I really and genuinely love this blog.
I just can't believe I left it for so, incredibly, long! Gah, life takes over.
Actually, more accurately, stinkin' TIME WARNER FRIKKIN USELESS CABLE takes over ... and stuffs up internet for OVER A WEEK - and has the audacity, temerity, the rigamaroley folderol to TAPE UP A SHEET OF PAPER SAYING "Office Closed" at the local branch.
So apparently back in October the internet went down.
And then it did totally go back up but by then it was like, parent conference time, and then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas shopping time, and then the holidays, and ... craziness.
But I still have soooooooo many more beautiful wonderful pictures from Europe to share (almost a cotton-pickin' dang year later!) and I will get to it. Hee.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Despite the hiatus ...
Do you like this? from
Eclectic Mishmash - totally unfocused.
Initiated at
1:15 AM
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