Well, gosh darn it!!
This post started out a response to my most recent comments, but knowing me, it exploded into a garrulous unstoppable flood of verbiage, so it's morphed into an actual post.
And I am sad that I got distracted and fiddlefaddled and missed posting on the last day of March. Something about me wanted to post on that date.
Yeah. But I guess that's what happens when I try to wade through the maze of links and technical schmoo as I attempt to file my taxes and GET MY MONEY BACK!
But now I get to tell everyone ...
That I!! Miss Mimi!! Am TOTALLY!!! Pregnant!! I only just found out on Friday and I am beyond excited because now I get to practice my classroom discipline on my OWN child! Who will excel ineffably for ever and ever and always, of COURSE!! I won't say who the father is, because that is a big ole secret. And I'm only a couple months along ...
Since I moved out and got my own place. Which I love living in. And I am still trying to make things "just so" - and getting a crazy, inexplicable thrill - about cleaning - oh yeah, maybe because when I do, it SMELLS so much dang better - and I will try to get pics up of all the unstoppable, assailable, cathartic cuteness, very very soon.
I also had a weird little episode/vision that something would happen (yesterday) but I don't think it did. So now I need to officially stop listening to what are ostensibly demonic and unprophetic forces swirling in my cranioids. And yes, intentionally, there are no details on such expectancies forthcoming. Hee.
Therefore -
Yaaaaaaaaay Tiffani!
These comments are like a veritable Los Al mini-reunion. And I LOVE IT! Can't believe it's been a year and a half since THAT.
Glad to see you around, Tiff, I've been wondering how you were - let's get together sometime!!! I've talked with a couple of friends and I would loooooooove to throw a little scrapbooking party. Yayness! Just get together and bring out stuff and work on pages together. Would you be interested? It's just more fun doing it with people and I need some more creative ideas. Truth be told, however, scrapping takes mondo time and the productivity level (in my opinion) is relatively looooooooooow. But the finished product always gives me a warm dribbly gushy thrill inside.
So I have a camera and will try to take pics this week. Then I will take pics when I go to New Zealand. :P And then I also really really need to - and want to - actually POST all my amazing pics from Europe!! Speaking of pics ...
I also cannot freaking BELIEVE ye olde BRETT EGAN also posted!!!
So I admit. I was like ... Brett? Brett? Do I know a Brett? Who the heck is Brett?? I was picturing some tall skinny blond mid-Western swimmer, for some UNknown and inexplicable reason ... and then I had to go back and check where
I had somehow managed to post about a Brett ...
and then!! Not only EGADS! BUT EGAN!
Brett Brett, thank you SO much for commenting because that is just stinkin' hilarious!! I'm glad you enjoy reading the ramblings of a mentally fractured, discombobulated, public-institution-situated child herder, because at least I am not the only person who finds myself seminally entertaining.
And I guess I did make you sound pervy. But the thing about perviness is ... it's so much more admirable when it is carried off with a flamboyant, flippant, panache!! You have my permission to OWN the pervingation.
Besides. You are not an OLD lech ... yet.
*cyberhugs!!!* I will email you soon. :) And may I remind you that I still remember a conversation we had in the media center where you told me about playing soccer (yes, you were SUCH an athletic stud!) except your cleats (borrowed, perhaps?) were WAY too small and they TOTALLY bruised your toes! Seriously, dude, it did not look cool. Every last joint and knuckle on your toes was PURPLE. And I think your toenails had gone black!!! And you showed me because you were wearing the slip-on sandals, heh. "And thank goodness my feet were not sunburned because THAT is honestly just the most painful thing ever, it simply KILLS." Yes, Brett, I remember that.
(Also, Google-ing yourself? Are you serious?? HAHAHAHAHAHA. So then I did it, just to see how far down my page was - pg. 9, thankyouverymuch!)
Oh yes. And as for Catharine - yes, I think she looks utterly lovely and remarkably good. Remarkable not in comparison with 10+ years ago, but remarkable in a vaguely Hepburn fashion. Just my 2¢.
Lauren!! We must definitely do the scrappy thing together as well. I have totally fallen into a new phase and bought sooooooooo much stuff lately - it started at Target, and now, Michael's, really, it is da bomb. You can get 40% off of any regularly-priced item just for asking, basically. Crazy!!
I also totally wanted to check out Scrap Depot (by yummy Sango) today but I forgot to. I talked with one lady, once when I was at the checkout line at the Target on Bellflower ... and she said Scrap Depot seemed to be out of stuff a lot. I am actually on the hunt for some of the Tim Coffey 12x12 vacation papers, so I will check there! Or, would you like to meet up sometime and check the place out??? "Call me!" :P
Last. Speaking of - along the lines of scrapbooking.
Y'all SERIOUSLY need to pray for me, please please please. Because I feel clutched in the scaly, emerald green, dragonesque golden claws of plain and simple stifling GREED.
I went to Michael's because they had the 40% off - and the new line that I love - Die Cuts With a View's
Once Upon A Time stuff.
So I HAPPENED upon ... a mat stack ... (for those not in the know, basically like a stack of printed cards, 4.5"x6.5" used for matting and backing pictures) ... and it was shrinkwrapped in a pack of three.
And I KNEW it was "not supposed to be" sold like that ... and I took it up to the register anyway ... and aaaaaaaaaaaalmost got away with it ... but I was never outright dishonest!! I really wasn't!! I was just ... hoping ... to profit ... from another's ignorance ...
Gah. In the end, I would have saved a total of basically TWENTY BUCKS. Yes, I counted. It's bad. I just got big ole greedy fairy tale eyes. Yowzers. So I am now confronted with the incontrovertible fact that I am completely - inconveniently - painfully - yes painfully! Honest. Man, it's a bummer sometimes. Sorry, but it's true.
And I should REALLY. Head to bed now. Crazy goyle.
P.S. Kids. If you ever. For one second. Really and truly believed. That I. Miss You-Know-What. Could ever. Get herself knocked up.
Foist uv all, yew obbveusly have NO idea what my shedjule is like as a dadgum grade-level-changing-every-year-schoolteacher-who-is-simultaneously-attempting-to-force-some-semblance-of-order-on-her-new-digs-while-eating-boiled-spaghetti-every-night-trying-to-pay-off-her-as-yet-interest-free-credit-card-bill-from-galavanting-about-last-summer.
Secondly, I KNOW baby Jesus would not be proud of THIS mama. So it ain't gonna happen.
How's DAT for da trufe.
Have a happy goof-proof day!!