Firstly - boohoo. I am not sure these pics give an adequate impression of what it's really like - but at least it's CLEAN!!! It's still totally in a work in progress ... and not nearly enough show homey, but it's comfortable enough, for now. These are the two main rooms that I can manage to keep relatively NEAT ... I didn't quite have time to take pics of the kitchen/ette and living room, yet ... besides, they are a study in squalor. That will have to be for next week!!
The room that I totally love!!! Best bed, best sheets, best bedding, ever!And the rocker was $15. And the ottoman was $6. Still can't get over it. Still, obviously, also, can't get around to putting together the dang armoire. Do you like my shower curtain drapes?? Haven't figured out if I want or need a valance, yet, really. I need to get my storage issues under control! It isn't totally and completely perfect yet (I doubt I will ever get around to putting anything on the walls), but it is a very pleasant start for me!
Simply Shabby Chic bedding, my favorite in the whole entire WORLD!
Also, I love having a matching lamp.
Yay! Bookshelf - from the bathroom line at Target. Random candlestick, picture frame from Goodwill, postcard of Nice, France, and mirror tray and vanity mirror - $3 at the outdoor antique market!
I am such an addict.
Hooray for the $7.50 HELLO KITTY alarm clock!!!
The first pics of the bathroom!! The bathroom, that I love, and that I love cleaning. Boy, do I love having a clean bathroom. And since I am only having to clean up after MYSELF, I dare say it's a lot easier!!!
Simply Shabby Chic Simply Shabby Chic Simply Shabby Chic!
It is a very long and narrow bathroom. Great light, especially in the mornings, as it pierces through the windows and blinds you, even with a valance/shade up. Whoo. Wake up, I say!
From left to right: random Target Christmas vanilla candles! And the little Simply Shabby Chic (Target, of course) floral arrangement that I loved but could only find one of!! The mirror vanity tray on the right was the very very FIRST thing I ever bought at the outdoor antique market. Whee. The seashell was from my mom for Christmas when I was a child. The tissue box was 75% off at a random Target and I am gutted that I cannot find the darn wastebasket that I KNOW I got at the same time! It's probably floating around in this house someplace, hidden. And the white birdcage ... TOTALLY Christmas Conservatory from like, 2005 or something! But I love it and I think it goes with everything so of course I use it.
I also spared all of y'alls and refrained from taking a picture of my TOILET - but that also has a white wire basket above it, also Target, but an older bathroom line, and I LOVE the Simply Shabby Chic saucer/plate shadow boxes that you can see hanging on the wall in the mirror! I've held on to those things for 3 years or something, just waiting to put them up.
I think I am obsessively detail-oriented.
Anyway, I LOVE my bathroom.
Also, officially: my bedroom + my bathroom = death by estrogen poisoning!!