I can't believe I skipped an entire month without posting, again. I am not doing this on purpose!
How hard can it be to post just once per month? And then there be no gaps in the nice little monthly archives linkies on zee right.
Gah. Little things like this get on my pet-peevish-mildly-OCD nerve-es.
But at least I have internet at the apartment now. Have had it for ... a week! Ordered on the 18th and it was set-up on the 26th.
More neato apartment pics (still none of the kitchen, haha, even though it was clean last weekend ...) and definitely more Europe pics! I was just thinking to myself this week how it has been nearly exactly a year since I went to Europe. And July 1st was the goldang goshdarn frikkin day that my precioso luggage got losted into aerospace. I still miss my goods.
Also totally meant to post that I had a LAHS sighting last weekend, in Irvine!!! This was after a little mini-reunion I had last week here, with 4 lovely fellow alumni that came to hang out and scrapbook noncomittally.
So at the new family fav YOGURTLAND, it took me half the wait in line to realize that 2 people ahead of me was ... Abby Chiu! And coincidentally, the person between us happened to be her coworker. Heh.
We last met (Abby and I) at the reunion in 2005!
Too bad no pics of Abby this time (she looked great, and says she is working up in LA, so seeing her in Irvine was majorly a fluke), and I also now regret not taking any get-together pics when I had the crew together last week. Would have been nice. There WILL be a next time!!!
As for Yogurtland, it is pretty good, but my nice friend Nancy brought me some Pinkberry's from the place that just opened up in Belmont (GREAT location, in my opinion), and I think I prefer it. :)
Neener neener.
Monday, July 02, 2007
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Eclectic Mishmash - totally unfocused.
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