Here we are after being utterly drenched in a random, depressing, torrential downpour. How British!! I had the superlight umbrella that I got at Peacock's in Crawley (my cousin and I both agreed that it really looked like another customer had accidentally left it there but they let me buy it at clearance anyway for like $3) and Andrew kept insisting he was fine and didn't neeeeed an umbrella or a hat or anything. The Observatory is in the back, and we are in one of the several long porticoes surrounding the Naval History Museum and a buncha other stuff, about half way to the river.
Yes, I know my legs look about 2ft long. Grrr. Also, this just might be last picture taken of ... that particular pair of socks, and that pair of nice, super-long-lasting, navy, suede sneaky-sneaks that I bought for $15 in Zurich in 1998. They got lost when British Airways lost my entire backpack/luggage/everything on the way to Amsterdam - only my first city on the continent on the entire 2-month trip. Argh!
So, at the end of our little day in Greenwich, we purchased hot Cornish pies to go (oops, don't I really mean takeaway?), from this nice little establishment:

I think we were looking for a nice dry place to eat, and never found one. So we totally ended up getting off the tube at some drizzling Godforsaken podunk deserted stop and eating at the seats there. I think the chicken mushroom one I had was very very nice! I'd go there again. No idea what's wrong with the guy up on the second (also sometimes know as first) floor upstairs, but maybe he's smelling the nasty garbage can parked in front.
The thing I found rather troubling was the fact that the first two shops I saw as we came out of the tube stop were Subway's and Ben and Jerry's. I didn't go to England to see AMERICA!!!!
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