Monday, November 12, 2007


Well, it's Veterans Day and most of the day has gotten away from me already/again!! It is very nice to relax and do absolutely nothing all day though.
It just feels later because it's so dark so much earlier.

Anyhoo, I usually like to start my cleaning frenzies in the bathroom. Since, you know, I use it a lot, and also, it's the smallest room with the least amount of stuff and thusly the easiest to clean.

The apartment came with a couple hooks in the ceiling already. Not sure if they were meant for hanging planters, or what, but there's one above the window/counter that I've always thought would look nice with a chandelier.

I happened to be on Amazon and found one for about $23 with shipping:

So I brought it home on Friday and put it up, and it's definitely missing something without having the small tapers in. And it was MUCH MUCH smaller than I thought it would be. And it's only for candles, bleh. But it looks nice! It fits the smaller bathroom also. I love how the bathroom looks. I've also been meaning to put up a green-matted rose print in a thin burgundy wooden frame that I got at the thrift store for $4. The original price tag was still on it, and it looks like a ca. 1980's tag - $9.99!! Not that much cheaper, but I don't care. I will take a pic soon.

I just really, really, really am enjoying putting things together and finding things that match and what is imagined up in my brain is usually much more productive and complete because it takes a whole heck of a lot less time!!!

Darn, and this long weekend I meant to finish grading up some papers so I would be ready for this week's frenzy.

But I still love my bathroom.

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