Anyway, so I put a light jacket on, grabbed my wallet, walked downstairs with the package and stopped by the neighbor's place to say hello.
Then I started! Boy, it was windy still. Driving to the party last night was a bit worry-inducing since my big ole van car was being blown around all over the show on the freeway, AND there were so many crazies! Like, a weird stream of FIVE cars with the hazard lights on, swerving and weaving. *I* get the impression they were improperly using the hazard lights to zoom around traffic. Nimrods.
It was blustery today, wind blowing everywhere, leaves scattering all over the street, and pretty much nobody out on the main road. I saw several people chatting on the street in the neighborhood I walked through, and it was interesting to see some of the architecture of some of the homes. Some are all cookie cutter, but there are a few unique ones, including one GIANT estate that looks like it was built from two lots. It has practically no yard but the facade and yard and steps and everything are so neat and tidy and clean and gorgeous. I wouldn't mind having a house like that, but I doubt I'd be able to adequately maintain it since I have no idea what it involves. The funny thing is that it's across the street from these little hovelly 20's bungalows and things.
So I discovered a Washington Mutual bank across the street from the post office, which is convenient for cash, and it means I won't have to head in the OPPOSITE direction nowadays.
I dropped the package off after staring dumbfoundedly at a huge, graphic poster they had in the foyer/lobby. It was "encouraging" dog owners to be "responsible" and not let "this" happen - one picture of two huge, deep, dripping blood gashes on the right leg of some poor "letter carrier". Oh, man. He had his leg in one of those tubs to keep the blood from dripping all over the floor of the truck.
But I noticed his oh-so-retro BLACK high-top Reeboks. You know, like what people used to wear in the 80s to do aerobics. OUCH.
And the second picture was of a dazed-looking letter carrier with scratches and scrapes ALL OVER holding a bandage to one arm while being directed by a firefighter with other emergency workers nearby.
Yeesh. Talk about a job hazard. AND YES, DOG OWNERS DO NEED TO BE RESPONSIBLE!! It was kinda graphic. A lady who walked in after I did dropped her package off first, and then glanced over at the poster because I was standing there looking at it. She looked like a sweet lil country granny (big grey bouffant, loose knitted shirt, and lil jeans!) mailing something to her wee grandchildren! But that's just my random imagination.
So then I started walking towards Subway since I was having cravings AGAIN for a ranch dressing and spinach-covered meatball sandwich after dinner last night!! Whee, it's a Mimi special. Cuz pretty much nobody else I know would touch a thing like that.
It was closed. Pooh.
I remembered noticing that Johnny Rebs' was open. I was quite surprised the first time I saw it, since I wasn't aware that Bellflower was a bastion of Southern hospitality, but I guess so.
It's so cute in there, I'll take Jenny there when she gets here, and I want to try some of their BBQ ribs.
Incidentally, the manager of another location happened to be there today, and EVERYONE there was SO nice and cheerful and helpful!!
So then I walked home a different route, munching on hush puppies the whole way, and saw sooooo many homes for sale.
I'd really love to buy a house within the next year and a half. If it happens, it will be a total miracle, but quite frankly, I've had miracles happen before and it wouldn't surprise me one bit! I have Someone who takes care of me that way :).
Anyhoo, I saw a CUTE little Arts and Crafts-type bungalow, but it was painted PISTACHIO ICE CREAM GREEN. Still, the design of the house, the original windows, oh my - so cute. It even had a HUGE attachment built in the back (um, kind of weirdly ugly in a 60's/70's kind of way, but so much space!!). I wouldn't mind a house like that.
But honestly, it's all about location, location, location, and frankly, the location there sucks.
We shall see what the new year brings!!!
After that I basically came home and ate and sat on the computer the rest of the day. I WILL be productive tonight, though. If I get the bedroom and the kitchen squared away JUST tonight, that would be a major accomplishment.
In other news: ants, please just go away :(.
There's a Johnny Rebs in Bellflower? Maybe just that one sucks because mine in Orange is pretty yummy. Reading your review made me hungry for biscuits and gravy. Thank God I just got done watching the Biggest Loser cuz I would've PORKED!!
ReplyDeleteYes, there's a Johnny Rebs' in Bellflower. The Orange one is the one I went to with you for breakfast that one time! The reviews for this one were overall decent, with a few 1 stars thrown in. So I don't know, maybe have majorly differing opinions about what constitutes good BBQ.
ReplyDeleteI will try the ribs next, but Chris and Pitt's down the street got raaaaaaaave reviews so I might try them first.
There is actually some pretty amazing food in Bellflower, it appears, from my haphazard, half-heartedly research/perusal.