Saturday, November 08, 2008

Just wondering ...

If anyone who happens to pop by (randomly, or regularly!) has any opinion on the new look for the blog? I've had a few different palettes percolating in the upper regions lately. I love me some fall colors, but found myself thinking of these current colors most often. Probably because I found some ADORABLE red kitchenware last week at the estate sale, and I love my little red, black, and white kitchen. Which (ahem), needs cleaning.

Any thoughts or feedback would be welcome and appreciated! I like the colors, but maybe the header is a bit busy. And yes, I DID spend way too much time putzing around with all of this this afternoon ... but I felt like it.

It seems most people end up here via google pics ... of diaper cakes, the Eiffel tower, and RACHEL ASSHELL.

Whoa. That was totally a typo, but I kind of want to leave it. My poor brain.

Try #2: RACHEL ASHWELL! and her blog. (I just checked it out today ... boy, it is cute. And hosted on blogger too. I love her pictures. I giggle inside a bit at some of her spelling, because that is just not the impression that I have of her ... but I like the authentic voice that it lends.)

Well, Cath Kidston gets a fair number of hits too, actually.


I have also been thinking of hosting a giveaway, since apparently that is a pretty popular thing to do over in bloggyland, and there was recently that big bloggy giveaway/carnival. It was interesting to see that many blogs (um, seriously, like, 1500, no exaggeration) in one week, and see what was being given away. I know stuff I LIKE, and have been looking around for a swap, but quite frankly, I should clean first so I have goodies to give! And, considering the regular readership of this blog, I reaaaaally think it should be quite easy (read: non-competitive) to win. Ha! Maybe even so few people that everyone might as well get something. Hrm. :/

Being the Target addict that I am, I kind of want to host a "Target clearance" swap. Man, that would be kind of awesome. Hee. Maybe I will do that over in Fishieville.

I'm gonna turn this thing off for the night now.

So many pics to take, and finds to share, and gigantic messes of my own making, to clean. Grr.


  1. Hi Mimi! I like the color combo...very pleasing to the eye. Whenever I see black, white, and red I think of a French cafe and I'm not sure why, as I have never been to France. Anyway, hope you are doing well. :-) Happy long weekend!

  2. I also love the combo. It is very fitting. I've tried to understand blogger's formatting, but I can't do html so I stick with easy blog hosts like wordpress.

    Anyway, well done!

  3. Tiffani!! Have not heard from you in ages!! Was the last time at Vivian's birthday party in September?? It was the first party (since she was BORN) that I actually received the evite to, and responded to, and attended. I saw Lauren, Derek, and Keilah there, though. And no, I did NOT take off my glasses to scare the living crap out of somebody's little baby. :(

    And yes, I did cringe a little inside when I realized the (imo, gorgeous!) pirate ship toy that I got her on clearance at Target (lucky me) went for 3X the original retail price on frickin' eBay!!! :D

    Anyways, great to hear from you, and thanks for the feedback on the new look! I tweaked it just a little bit more this morning, and I think I now ought to LEAVE it, because my hypercritical quasi-perfectionistic self just wants to tweak it to threads/shreds/full of holes.

    Not sure what the rest of your month looks like, but it would be great to get together some time before the end of the year!!!

    Also, and no joke, I am SERIOUSLY considering hiring on your help with getting my crap organized. I don't LIKE to ask for help, since I am supposed to be a full-fledge adult, but frankly, there are some things that I just know FAR too little about.

    You think you're up for it?? I remember mentioning this about my previous classroom, but then, daggone it all, I keep being moved around!!! I hate that. And putting in all that time and effort on a classroom that I'm in or only a year or two, is pointless.

    What I'd actually like to do is M O V E out and buy a H O U S E, and THEN really have a good idea of where to stash stuff.

    We will have to see.

    Hope you had a great weekend so far too. I don't get a "long" weekend, we freaking have TUESDAY off ONLY, and have school tomorrow. Ri. Di. Cu. Lous. Talk to you soon!

  4. OH WOW! And now there's Jennifer!! Girl, I missed you!! I have TOTALLY been meaning to call you, because I KNOW you had a birthday only a week ago. How did it go??

    Plus, the other day, for some random reason, I ended up on wikipedia reading about "The Crow," and we all know the association we have with that! That was a nice night, actually, don't you think? So young, then. Hee.

    We should get together some time soon too! As soon as September hit, and I looked again at my lovely pumpkininess that I got last time, and I started thinking about apples, and Oak Glen, and freaking CRAVING that darn FREAKING APPLE CIDER, I was wondering when you were going to go up!

    Anyway, I should just pick up the phone and call you :P. Hope you are well. I even recommended the Santa Monica farmer's market to someone recently, all because of you!

    Take care, speak soon. :) Hugs to the wee behbehs!!

  5. Oops, forgot something.

    Jen, do you have a curent blog?? I've checked your Darkly Glass one (um, hello, February?? :P), and I didnt realize you had a blogger ID as well.


    I did also sign up for a wordpress blog, since that seems to be so popular, along with typepad ... but I admit I'm a creature of habit and end up sticking with blogger since that's what I kind of know. And it was a bit of a time-consuming pain to figure this stuff out, but I kind of like learning about this stuff.

    Have a lovely Sunday. :)
