Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Guilty pleasure -

Girlicious! (I might add some links at a later time if I feel up to it. I KNOW y'all know how to google-it. :) )

Man, I love trashy TV. And these girls are horrrrrrriffic. In a way that seriously has me wanting to experiment with some mondo make-up-gun-set-to-"Working-Girl" kinda levels.

This show also made me look up another singer who is not HUGE, but has definitely gotten major airtime ... I is so sorry, but she be seriously harsharoonie on zee eyeballs. I won't say who, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang. She gots a face made for radio. And I wasn't even that shallow, I thought, but now I notice stuff like that. I would feel less bad about saying all this, Miss Publicized, if she didn't have stupid-arse ridiculous videos (as they ALWAYS do) proposing the laughable concept that she is indeed sooooooooo sek-say and stops traffic. That anvil banging over my head weighs at least a gazillion tons, YO. *gag* She was born in 1989, though. ;)

I think I was "researching" [trolling myspace] and following links and stuff and found a video that someone had done with aforementioned ESTABLISHED singer. I totally could have lived my life just fine not ever having watched that useless business.

Anyhoo, I just want to put this out there well in advance, because my "research" resulted in some interesting findings ...

I predict the final three for Girlicious - right now, I'm predicting it - will be Natalie, Carrie, and Chrystina.

Yeah, I said it. And I know why! "Research." Now let's see if I'm wrong :P.