Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hey look!

I can clutter up my blog, tooooooooooooooo.


JustSayHi - Science Quiz

I missed 4 out of 26!!

How is that a C. :'(


And then:

306 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing - Your Body is Producing 306 Watts!
This is 22% MORE wattage than the average person

* You could light up 3 light bulbs
* You could power 77 iPods
* You could power 2 Xbox 360s
* 3 of you would be needed to keep a refrigerator running

And imbeciles. I can't neglect the mentally derelict on this one.

Oh wait! Let's also add STUPID-@$$ DRIVERS, cuz they suck and I must be a MAGNET for them.

Honestly, sincerely, and quite literally, I do indeed hope they die.

Something's wrong with me, on that one, I think. Probably lots is wrong with me. But still.

Is it really that bad to wish for a speedy end to a completely useless, self-absorbed, dangerous megalomaniac in control of a several-ton weapon??

I don't think so.


Whee, *angst*

I would enjoy eating those squids, though.


But I'm not, I'm totally not, I'm just smart :(.


Well, shit, what the hell does that even mean.

45% Geek


Gross!!!!! wut da hayle


136,182 People

And Debussy died on my birthday.

The end.


I have soooo many posts I am working on but I wanted to throw this one up really quickly.

I found a myspace blog with this link: How many countries can you name in 5 minutes?

Here was my first brain dead result:


AND THEN I DECIDED TO CHEAT!! And I turned it into a typing test:

Haha, funny.
This site has a bunch of funny stuff on it that I'm going to go check out now.
But as I was reading over the list of countries I'd forgotten the first time, so I could type them in THE NEW window ... I found myself fascinated by these countries that I'd never even heard of. I mean, I figure Africa probably has the most number of countries on one continent ... so I just looked up countries I didn't know on wiki.
And now, it's official - I have already been to the two smallest countries in Europe: The Vatican City, and Monaco.
And the third? A teeny little encapsulated San Marino.
San Marino. San Marino??? We have a city down here called San Marino!
Anyway, I think it would be cool to go visit it and say I've been to the THREE smallest countries in Europe.
I love finding a randomzoid place on the map and just up and going there.
Kind of like I did with Lithuania. Whoa, that was crazy. I'll post about that eventually.
But honestly, my visit to Lithuania is one of my prouder accomplishments and one of the neatest things I think I've ever done. And it also spawned the absolute most deathly terrifying experience I've ever had - just about as close as I've ever come to feeling like I was GONNA DIE.
And I don't think I'm usually dramatic like that.
Okay, off to poke around and "justsayhi" AND ACTUALLY CLEAN SOME MORE. I washed dishes and cleared the sink this morning. :) And organized the piles that had sprouted in front of the stove and in the corner by the counter.
I have so much to doooooooooooooooooooooo ................

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Mugs 'n stuff

The other thrifting post reminded me!!!

Last week I got a set of 3 saucers for about $2. I need to take a pic, but they were "milk glass", with a fluted rim, with 1 in pink and 2 in blue.

They go with the set of mugs I got at an estate sale!! Whee. Need to find those. NO idea where they are. *sob*

I also need to find these:
I got a set of 3 for $1. It was the white, pink, and salmon-colored ones. I didn't realize there were other colors and stuff, especially that pretty blue! It was at an estate sale where WENDY spent the night and came with me!

That estate sale was so sad. :( The house was mostly empty, stuff was just laid out on the floor in the kitchen, and along the walls, chimney, built-in seats, etc., at the perimeter of the living room.

There were two guys running it, along with a younger woman, and the one guy I talked to just seemed SO sad. He was saying how he'd never done one of these before, and just hoped it went well.

It was certainly one of the smallest sales I've ever been to, and it was even hard to find the place.

The "highlight," however, was when I was digging in a storage shed next to the garage at old bags of kitchen towels and linens and other cruddy blankets and carpets and things. I found a couple cute 40's/retro tablecloths, and then I looked at the floor and LITERALLy saw a pile of money.

I was like, what????? A wad of cash, just laying there.

Oy, oy, oy.

I couldn't help but count it. :P I figured it was probably dropped by one of the people running the thing, since I was pretty sure it hadn't been there a while ago, and before I'd gone it, one of the dudes had come out.

So I walked back into the kitchen and handed the money over to the man, and told him how much I'd found and hoped it was the right amount.

His face dropped and went WHITE. Yowzers. He looked like he was about to faint. I think it had fallen from an envelope he'd been carrying with him to make change.

That poor man!! Geez louise. Going through all that.

So I hope I made his day and sometimes people just need reassurance that there are honest people in the world.

Also, it helped me bargain down the price of those mugs. Heh. I think at that point, he ALMOST would have just let me have stuff for free because I found the money! He made some comment to that effect, but in the end, I think I got the mugs, a couple other things, and the tablecloth and maybe some handkerchiefs for $5 total or something.

So those Glasbake mugs are the same color as the taller coffee mugs I got at another sale; those were $1 each and go with the saucers I got as a pack.

I still kick myself every time I think of that sale because I passed on the stinkin' pink Christmas ornaments!! Just pink glass balls, but geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez, the prices people pay for stuff like that on eBay!!! Shoulda woulda coulda.

Then again, with the RIDICULOUS new feedback policy AND the increase of fees and stuff, I think it will be a mass exodus from eBay. Sellers can't hardly make money anymore.


Anyway, I also found another one of these!!

I actually don't have this His/Hers set. They are so cute and vintage-y, though. I kind of love them.

The latest one I got is "Brother." Heh, for the one I don't have.

The first one I found was Al.

What a nice, strong name. I think this was at one of Tom's estate sales. 50¢, I think.

And would you believe it, the next one I found was BUD.

Yes. Bud. Al and Bud. I saw it and knew it was meant to be. How could I not?

All I need is "Peg" and "Kelly."


But now I have Brother. And I will keep my eye out for weird kitsch like this because my affection for Disneyland was reignited.

Awesome recent Goodwill finds.

It's been okay lately. Haven't hit them quite as much as in the fall, with being busy and KNOWING I need to clean my stuff more than I need new stuff. But I love looking!!!!

The other cupcake post reminded me. I found this for $2.99. Whee. I is happy. Those things didn't even last a week in the stores, just like the cupcake cookie jars. It totally DID cross my mind to "buy now, regret later" ... but I didn't. :)

Of course these are like, $30+shipping on eBay.

Last week, I came up on this:

I admit I have mixed feelings about Ms. Martha. I think she has some good ideas. And she has a jail record.

Anyhoo, the pictures are just beautiful!!! Yowza. There is a stunning photo of white and silver items displayed on a hutch that just sold it for me. AND she has patterns for making your own vintage glitter sparkly paper houses (yay). Plus, it was only $2.

The one I saw on eBay sold for $7+shipping.

This was one of my favorites!!!

Down feather quilt. FROM RESTORATION HARDWARE!!! AND IT'S WASHABLE!! THAT'S THE BEST BONUS EVER!!! I got it in gold. It has one little seam that I noticed was coming apart, but that's easy to fix.

A nice down quilt, for $14.99. Whoo! They sell for $149.99 to $199.99 on the site. I love, love, LOVE down, but it can be so expensive.

One of my all-time most favoritest finds is something I'm using now ... it wasn't Goodwill, but I found a king-size down comforter with a feather pillow ... clearanced at Kohl's for $15. *scream* It is literally one of my most treasured possessions. The thing is ridiculously amazing.



On Thursday, I happened to be in the area of a Goodwill down the street from where I grew up at a child. I have found Shabby Chic shower curtains for $5, one of the children's line Shabby Chic comforters with sham for $15, and then this time:

The pink one was the large size, and it was $4. It's so cute! Pink is hard to come by. It may have one scratch on it, but I don't care. I'm considering using it as a punch bowl AT MY SISTER'S BRIDAL SHOWER!!

I have some cute Christmas clearance decorations that are not Christmas at all, and some pink and blue Depression glass dishes that I think would be so cute. With all the cupcakey stuff!! Tea and cupcakes. Man, that would be cute.


The bottom bowl was not my favorite, and it's medium, but it was $3. Not too shabby.

In trying to find out the darn name of this pattern and stuff, I came up this:

Pie plates as pasta plates in front of the TV, you say?

ALREADY DONE IT! Except I was full-on weirdo and lazy and used a Marie Callender's pie tin that I'd been meaning to turn in for the deposit.

Heh. Yeah, most plates don't have enough of a lip for me to feel comfortable NOT using then at the table.

A lip, on a plate, is a good thing.

So is a flat surface.

And NO knife marks!! Hate those things. >:(

eBay is so ridiculous.

If I had a little more foresight, MAN! I could buy some Target stuff at full price and still make a killing.

I remember the surfing monkey themed quilts/shams that went on clearance. The were originally $59.99. They went on sale for 75% off (after hitting 30% off and 50% off). So I hunted around at SEVERAL Targets and finally found a set (I was so happy) for $14.98 - 75% off.

Do you know how much I saw this set go for on eBay?? $250. Not including shipping.

Geez louise. I KNOW these moms were buying this stuff for their kids. Any mom that blows money like that on freaking TARGET BEDDING ... um, will never be me.

Okay. And then about TWO years ago, there was this HUGE run on Target "safari monkey" sheets and other assorted accessories. Oh my stinkin' word.

The sheet sets (twin, I believe) were selling on eBay for like, $100. Seriously, there were like, under $10 after clearance.

So since I went to Target regularly, I bought a few things for some people on the ffd site. I found a couple pillows, I forget what else. I know it was popular. I EVEN. Found a clock. A little, cheap, monkey clock. It was kinda flat, but the little body swung around back and forth like a pendulum from the head.

I am pretty sure I bought it for $7.48. NO more than $12.48, at most. And I sold it at cost, because I am freaking NICE like that.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, of course they were $60+ on eBay.



Tonight, I'm looking up some of that cute Valentine's cupcake stuff that Target has out. NO cucpake hand towels left, that's a bummer. But seriously, I can always make my own, that's not hard.

HOWEVER. The freaking giant cupcake cookie jar??? THEY'RE UP TO $50 AND $60 ON EBAY, NOT INCLUDING SHIPPING!!!

Stuff like that is a pain to pack and ship, though, freaking breakable things.

I just needed to vent.

Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous, people paying these prices for Target-made-in-Chinas.

But maybe other people feel the same way about what I pay for Pyrex and other dishes.


P.S. I love Chelsea Dot dishes.


Seeing that particular spelling always reminds me of this page:

Hahaha!! Lex was the first one to show me that site. Is IS rawthur amusing, grossly exaggerate syntax and vernacular notwithstanding.

This is going to be a random update post. I have several other more "interesting" posts in the works, drafted, but I feel like tweaking those first before hurriedly slapdashedly throwing them on the internet.

1. I go to Chipotle about once a week. On Fridays, the majority of the 2nd grade teachers go there for lunch. When I first discovered it, there was a span of time (several months) where I was there about 2-3 times a week, ADDITIONALLY. Crazy. Obsessive, that's me. I do like it a lot. So they have this Valentine's "Buy-a-$10-gift-card-and-get-a-free-burrito" deal, and I shared about it with the other teachers. We'll go back next week and see how it works. I've gotten 2 gift cards already. I know of other people who are doing it more times. Good for them. (I also just found a list of offers from wikipedia! IF they have a leap year special,