Saturday, February 09, 2008

eBay is so ridiculous.

If I had a little more foresight, MAN! I could buy some Target stuff at full price and still make a killing.

I remember the surfing monkey themed quilts/shams that went on clearance. The were originally $59.99. They went on sale for 75% off (after hitting 30% off and 50% off). So I hunted around at SEVERAL Targets and finally found a set (I was so happy) for $14.98 - 75% off.

Do you know how much I saw this set go for on eBay?? $250. Not including shipping.

Geez louise. I KNOW these moms were buying this stuff for their kids. Any mom that blows money like that on freaking TARGET BEDDING ... um, will never be me.

Okay. And then about TWO years ago, there was this HUGE run on Target "safari monkey" sheets and other assorted accessories. Oh my stinkin' word.

The sheet sets (twin, I believe) were selling on eBay for like, $100. Seriously, there were like, under $10 after clearance.

So since I went to Target regularly, I bought a few things for some people on the ffd site. I found a couple pillows, I forget what else. I know it was popular. I EVEN. Found a clock. A little, cheap, monkey clock. It was kinda flat, but the little body swung around back and forth like a pendulum from the head.

I am pretty sure I bought it for $7.48. NO more than $12.48, at most. And I sold it at cost, because I am freaking NICE like that.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, of course they were $60+ on eBay.



Tonight, I'm looking up some of that cute Valentine's cupcake stuff that Target has out. NO cucpake hand towels left, that's a bummer. But seriously, I can always make my own, that's not hard.

HOWEVER. The freaking giant cupcake cookie jar??? THEY'RE UP TO $50 AND $60 ON EBAY, NOT INCLUDING SHIPPING!!!

Stuff like that is a pain to pack and ship, though, freaking breakable things.

I just needed to vent.

Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous, people paying these prices for Target-made-in-Chinas.

But maybe other people feel the same way about what I pay for Pyrex and other dishes.


P.S. I love Chelsea Dot dishes.

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