Hillary and! Rick! Messina! Hahaha. Such a nice guy, still. He has mellowed out a lot. Can't wait to see what he's like when he's 40. :)

Brett and Catharine! I think Brett did mention that he'd worked for Annie Leibovitz in New York or something. Darned if I had a frickin' clue who the heck that was. Apparently someone famous. And, as of last week (?), someone who's taken pictures of the fabled Suri Cruise. I admit it, the baby is cute. The family strikes me as being a little weird, though.
I do also have to say that when the subject of dancing came up (Catharine was all into the ballet and everything in high school, and I think she was still dancing), Brett just HAD to make a comment about how the thing he loves about dancers ...
is this one muscle ...
right here ...
*reaches behind her*
*I see her jump a bit*
yes, there it is.
Yes, because apparently, he used to date a dancer. Probably not his sister, I would bet, though. Cuz she be a dannsur as well. :) (Tale as old as time ...)
HORK. Make of it what you will, she didn't seem to mind that much :P.
Hillary and Ted Lau! We saw Ted with John Robin Middlebrook a whoooooole bunch that night. They were football buddies from way back when. Sadly, no pics of John Robin that night, though he has a myspace that he updates pretty often. They were nice enough to walk us to our car when we started feeling the accumulation of the week, and when people stopped being coherent and seminally interesting because the alcohol, it was a-flowin' in the hotel rooms that was bookeded upstairses.
Have things really changed that much? :P
Cute lil Miriam and the Abby Chiu! You can see our nice lil nametags that they gave us with our SENIOR YEAR PICTURES on them. Hah. Dunno how Abby felt about everyone asking her what happened to Matt Tyo, but they did it. :)
Sad times!!! I so wish that I could've been there as I miss you and all of the Los Al/OCHSA people tons... We will definitely need to catch up once we're down in So. CA again. (Which hopefully won't be too long from now...)
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting the pics, Mimi - even if it makes you feel vulnerable. :-) It makes me feel good to know that people I lost touch with ten years (can you believe it?) ago are doing well.
God bless,