Monday, October 02, 2006

(A little over ...) ONE YEAR LATER!!

OK, now that the Los Al gang has been trickling in, and since I am such a monstrously compulsive procrastinator, I figured it was about time to post these pics.

That's right, people, last year's REUNION! I only got a few pictures. I had my dad's gigarntic super-zoom-lens-lookit-me-nerdly camera. And it's obnoxious to have people running around taking pictures of you, especially when they are shorter than you are and in prime location for the dreaded nostril shot. Like I am.

Sorry I didn't email these earlier. Like last year, even.

And I didn't get a lot of pics of a looooooooot of people!

Y'all should come next time! I was just thinking about this and remembering how actually nice and non-hung-up-though-certainly-hung-over people were.

No pics of Nicole Uritz or Jim Tuscher, sorry. Though I think Jim said he was in Long Beach now? He had a massive bush of a giant blond dreads-style, btw.

And yes, the Jeff Javanbahkt. (It looks all wrong and I know I used to be able to spell it.) No pics either. But he was doing some kinda businessy thing living in Westminster or something. Hillary didn't recognize him. :) And some of the first people we met (when we all ended up at the wrong hotel with the wonky directions) were Tori Moreno, Chris Knell, and Tami Clark (?)! Tori and Chris were married, and Tori was preggers.

I didn't happen to get the $40 yearbook they wanted to pawn off on us so I don't have the pics that they took there, but I'd love to see one sometime! Did you get one, Hill?

And here are pics that I was in:

Pre-getting-lost-in-Irvine-by-the-airport-and-festivities! As usual, Hillary is a total doll.

But now!!!

A brief exercise in criticizing my own personal appearance:

1. Ugh, my upper arms look doughy.

2. Hello, farmer's tan.

3. Welcome to the no-neck monster - ROAR!

This is what happens when I spend the entire summer packing up and moving classrooms/schools instead of backpacking Europe. See, I always get compliments about how good and relaxed I look after I backpack, even after torturous adventures like I had this past summer! More on that later. :)

And don'tch'all feel so very privileged that I can be so very VULNERABLE before you and post nastish pics of me'self. Yeah, I'm betting right this very second you are feeling PRIVILEGED.

But this is better!!

Me and Hillary and (I forget her name but she got married to) Andrew Poe! I think he goes by Andy. Are they not PERfect for each other? She is totally sweet and adorable and very pastor's wife. And guess what, Andy IS a youth pastor up in Northern California. Now that I think about it, I think her name was Laura. They left earlyish, before the binge drinking ensued in earnest. We were all just saying it was so nice and perfect that he got married to a person who is actually smaller than he is. :)

Brett Egan, and Catharine Larsen, and the No-Neck-Monster strikes again!!

I think Brett looks a little older.

I think Catharine looks exactly the same.

I think I look like a squat bullfrog next to the two of them.

I forget what they were both doing but I'm sure it was something nice and exciting.

Here I am with Miriam Korn! Isn't she sooooooooooooooooo cute (still)?? She came by herself and Hill and I met up with her in the parking lot and walked in together. I think she was feeling shy about going in by herselfs. I also remember trying to exchange phone numbers with her via the cell phone and I thought it worked but when I checked my phone later it totally didn't. She said she was living up in Santa Monica. Not too long after the reunion, the pilot of the (former) WB show Supernatural aired, and she had a speaking part in it! She was a goth girl. And yes, she looka lika ugly witha nasty ooga makeup. I don't think I've ever seen her on Veronica Mars.

And she said something very kindly to me - that she could see how I WOULD be a kindergarten teacher and if she had kids she'd want me to be their teacher.

When I have kids I want to be their teacher also becuzes I gonna homeschool. HA!

Poor kindergarten teachers at my school this year. These kids is ROUGH and (to quote) "sooooooo bad." Oy vey.

Good thing I'm in second grade this year dealing only with (overall) mildly annoying (but yet pervasive and intrusive) behavior. :)

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