Monday, July 28, 2008
Oh. My. Gosh.
Yes, I'm up late. Yes, I should be asleep. Yes, I should feel proud that I actually got SO much done this week.
But no, I don't feel that way, because my mother has a nagging problem. *hiss*
So I'm online looking up all these random things because cleaning out my old bedroom FOR THE FINAL TIME!!! meant that I found all these old pictures and souvenirs and such from my college days (so young! so leetle! so twee!). I toooootally starting reminiscing about a very good friend I had, and wanted to look her up on hotmail to see if she was still around.
On the site, instead, well, I admit my interest was piqued by the article about a Mormon missionary calendar. As in, a calendar composed of Mormon missionaries - male - AND NOT EVEN FULLY CLOTHED.
It's no Calendar Girls, but goodness. It's WEIRD. As in - are those two things even supposed to go together??
What is TOTALLY EVEN WEIRDER IN THAT STUPID ARTICLE is all the other random flirty calendars that are out there. (Check out the article, since I don't feel like linking to the kinking!)
Now, for those of you with a more delicate constitution, I do believe the next portion is rather PG. Just warning you!
Oh yes indeed. I guess they tried to pick the better-looking ones. And all of them are wearing appropriate attire, I believe.
I dunno, doesn't something like this fly in the face of ... what is generally expected?? I don't think TOO many "religious institutions," including the Catholic church, are totally way too out of touch with reality and the world at large. I'm sure many would disagree with me, on multiple levels on many points - but it just seems freaking WEIRD to put these people/men who have dedicated their lives to serving the Lord in a position where it is OBVIOUS the INTENT is NOT exactly HOLY. You know? I'll be honest, there was some nice eye sugar that I wouldn't mind looking at every day, but actually, I just wouldn't. IT'S ICKY. Also, I am not like that and I would get bored. Appreciation is one thing, and glued eyes are another.
It's so very ... Thorn Birds. Yes, even with Richard Chamberlain!
So, if you must, you can find the gallery of previous years, and a comments section. Good glory.
ALSO!! THESE HORRENDOUS COMMENTS squick me out. Since apparently little innocent ole me never knew there was a gay fascination with priests? Where was THAT particular personage from The Village People, then? Because we all know what song they were singing, apropos enough. :P
OK, enough of the weirdness. I looked up stats for this little blog on google analytics and found some weird referrals again. Yikes.
Admittedly, "Rachel Ashwell" with various accoutrements is a HUGE hit referral. But "a eiffel tower down the middle on a comforter"?? (#24. ) And "cute butt"???? Really? Really?? I don't recall blogging about that!!! (#53.) Maybe I did mention something about a "fabic oy," (#62) or "hyena comforters" (#74). "Octopusmania" (#84).
But the primary referral is still "Goodwill finds." I kind of like that. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008
D-d-d-d, D-d-d-d, TJ Maxx!
I was out running some errands today and decided to make my OC Goodwill rounds. Whee. Bought a kids' toy, and a duck-headed red umbrella. It goes with my black and white polka dotted rubber boots I bought at Marshalls. I fully intend on taking a pic and throwing it up here because it is seriously just that cute. Red, white, and black. Great palette. Also -
Marshalls is my favorite store.
Maybe Home Goods is tied with it. Home Goods blows my mind. I find the stuff there A-ma-Zing.
That is because I have a sick fascination and uncontrolled compulsion for buying dishes and other breakables.
So, I hit the Goodwills, and TJMaxx is next door to one of them.
Why the post??
1) I'm sliiiiiiiightly frustrated at not finding shoes that FIT my FAT FEET for the two weddings I'll be in, in the second week of September, which also happens to be ... my first week of school! Oh, yay. Such good planning, sis and best friend. :P
(Update: I did go on a little shoe-specific shopping trip with my mom late this afternoon, and actually found TWO pairs of gold shoes that will work for Hillary's wedding - I will bring them with me to her shower in Santa Barbara on Saturday, for her approval! Go, mom.)
2) This little girl was JUST too FUNNY. I think she was about 5 or 6. In the entire time I was there, including two trips to the dressing room, she was just spouting stuff. I am sure she is a hoot at home. Also, her voice carries. Very easily. She's a doll. Blond hair.
So, the first thing I overheard - I was perusing and browsing the shoe aisles, and I hear the little girl's voice exclaim loudly, "Well if you wear that, your peepee will show!!" I believe they were by swimsuits/juniors.
And, I mean, who doesn't love to hear the word "peepee" loudly broadcast across the store whilst you are shopping?? Good times.
She seemed to be on a "peepee" fixation, making several subsequent comments involving the showing of the pee+pee with certain articles of clothing that were under scrutiny.
I find it cute, what some parents teach their kids to call things.
"Peepee" is preferable to the anatomically correct label, I suppose, when one is out in public, and surrounded by strangers.
"Put that on and I'll be able to see your peepee!"
Great. I heard the mom shush her and say, "Alright, that's enough peepee talk!"
So then, the next thing I overheard was in the dressing room. Trying on clothes. I think the mom had an older daughter, and the little one. I first hear anxious worrying over toys - "Mommy!! Mommy! You forgot our toys!!"
I guess they were left in the cart with stuff they weren't trying on, because that's the explanation I heard. This little girl was very worried, though.
So the older one was trying something on, and the mom as well, and the littler one was in the same dressing room as the mother. I hear "Mom, look at this, I love it ..." from the older daughter.
Mom: "But you already have so many ..."
Older Daughter: "No, I don't! I only have that one, and this one is different ..."
Mom shushes the younger daughter, who is making some noise.
A bit of quiet ensues, with faint sounds of rustling clothing and personal adjustments being made.
And then, out of the blue - "I CAN SEE YOUR CRACK BUTT! I CAN SEE YOUR CRACK BUTT!!", followed by some nervous giggling. I don't know if she was feeling embarrassed, or utterly amused by her own hilarity.
Yeah, your "crack butt," mommy. As opposed to your clean-and-sober, or even merely-drunk, butt. Which shows.
You know what this girl makes me wish?? That I could just haul off and holler every little thing that pops into MY head with the running commentary on life's observations, yo.
Mom shushes her abruptly and in earnest, this time, and basically tells her to pipe down, because "That's ENOUGH". I get the distinct impression that mommy is feeling embarrassed. Not mad, just shy of thorough mortification.
I walked out, at that point, and was SO tempted to comment in passing, "I bet she gives you an earful every day, doesn't she?" but I thought that might be a trifle interefering.
And then, just as I was about to leave the store, they were looking at socks, or belts, or purses, or something, in that general vicinity, and I took a quick swing around jewelry.
I do remember edging past them, when they wandered over towards the bath and beauty products, and as I round the corner of the jewelry display, out of the blue, with only silence preceding it, I heard "You're the best mommy in the world."
At least, that's what I thought I heard. It was sweet. It was unprompted. And it also sounded a bit like "You're the Pest mommy in the world."
I mean, I didn't expect a lil Caucasian blonde kindergartener to use the word "pimpest," did I?
Mom, to Little One: "What? *laughs* Where did you learn that? Who taught you that?"
To Older Daughter: "Did you hear what she just said??"
Older Daughter: "No, what?"
Mom: "Say it again!"
Oh, yes, she did.
I sort of love that kid.
I wonder what the family's holidays and barbecues are like.
More laughs than a barrel of monkeys, I'd imagine.
Have YOU shown your "pimpest peepee crack butt" to the world today?? :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Verdict: thick enough, VERY shiny, I don't recall much of the fruity cherry scent, but a nice tingly mint. And I love the look of the tube! Very major thumbs up. But I SWEAR I am not turning into a lip gloss fiend. :)
Also, tonight!!!
I went to dun-dun-DUN: WAL-MART!! Twice!!
I know. I am killing true American values just by stepping onto the property. I have been such a die-hard Target FANATIC the last few years, I didn't feel like diluting my devotion.
However, on the nice board, someone shared that they found plastic storage totes for super cheap ($2.25 and $1.50!!!). I had to check it out, especially since it was in the same complex as Mimi's Cafe, where I took my parents for dinner. No reason, just because. I was craving their very-special Cobb.
So, the Wal-Mart. I was feeling kind of hesitant. The last time I was there, I think was after Christmas. Sheer madness, and rampant pandemonium. I was there for ... more storage containers! I still think they have the best prices. And somehow I had remembered that they are open 24 hours a day.
But the disorganization, and relatively cheapy look ... blech.
Anyway, I was quite soundly surprised!! It actually is full of very polite customers, who struck me as being noticeably happy, cheerful, and just generally NICE. Even if it's late at night on a weeknight. Maybe I thought I'd meet some people like those that make appearances on this lovely site. Naaaaaah.
The place was clean - there wasn't stuff and pallets all over the place. Working scanners were a bit scarce, at the second Wal-Mart. Helpful employees were at both.
And the lines were not massively long, like they sometimes are ... but maybe that's just in the middle of the day. I DO, however, recall looking over the morass of lines and then feeling quite pleased with myself for spotting, and heading towards, the absolute SHORTEST line ... when I hear the rattling of a cart behind me. As I round the corner to the last straightaway ... she literally speeds up to try to race me to the finish line! I thought to myself, "Oh NO, you're not!" and then I saw her stop, and look at me in surprise, and say, "Oh, are you ...?" The mere fact that she did that, and took the long way around, incidentally, inclined me to let her go first.
It was a good deed for the day. I don't have any kids dragging behind me, like she did, nor do I have work in the morning. Lucky me.
Just about 500 pounds of loose stuff to get moved around. It goes very fast when it's boxed up, or dumped in storage totes. It's the sorting and organizing that eats up time. Wish me luck! :)

Friday, July 18, 2008
Hooray: for getting a new garbage disposal! I NEVER use it, basically. I only run dirty dishwater down that side of the sink when I was dishes by hand - and seriously, it's only worked like, three times since I've lived here. I thought it was rusted. Not sure how that would happen, since it SHOULD be built to withstand, you know, water.
THAT THING WAS STINKING TO HIGH HEAVEN. Reek-OCITY. There are no WORDS. I have NO idea what the frell was going on in there, but it was broken, not spinning, and then it started getting all clogged. At first the water was going down slower than molasses, and then I just stopped putting stuff in there. But I dumped some cider vinegar down there to attempt to clear it out a bit ... and when it started reeking, half a box of baking soda as well.
I was ready to pass out yesterday. SO disgusting. AND yesterday was like brutal hot, so the stench was well nigh unbearable. What rots and smells like full-on vomit???? I didn't get it.
So I put in a call to the landlord and the maintenance guy came out today!!
Bad thing: The terrible state of my existence. I admit it - I am a messy Bessie. Actually, worse than that. I know of few people who are messier than I am - PROBABLY because the people who are, are just like me, and just don't invite me over to see the freaking DISASTER ZONE that is the living space.
I honestly wonder why I am like this. I remember being messy from when I was a whee lil child. I never liked cleaning. I don't remember doing much cleaning as a child - not much organizing of the closets, or bookshelves. I think we did dishes. That was kind of our chore. I don't remember sweeping, mopping, none of that. I remember getting yelled at all the time for having a messy room.
Truthfully, once it gets into that state, I think I have the personality where I am just utterly overwhelmed and don't even know where to begin.
So while the nice maintenance guy was up here in my "Oh, I am SO sorry it's a huge mess, I'm in the middle of cleaning a bunch of things [hah, it's like a constant state!]" - and then he needs to step over boxes and stuff KITCHEN ... I cleaned the bathroom. Just a bit. The counter, and the sink. I nearly always leave the windows open, because I cannot stand stuff like hot wet and humid bathroom CLOUDS. Blech. The freeway is also not too far away, and it's California, and the apartment is on a major street, though set back a bit, and it's California, so the black dust piles up like sand ... because it's California.
So I had gray grout on the bathroom countertops. It's all pure white along the walls, etc., but gray and dirty (and YES, even ORANGE, because the rusty pipes are just ... let me stop there) along the horizontal surfaces.
So I cleaned it a bit. Got out my 75% off Target find of pre-moistened vinegared wiping and cleaning cloths, and went to town. Took stuff off the windowsill, wiped those down, scrubbed the grout ... the pack of wipes is so old that even with the sticky flap closed, it's kind of drying up ... but they are good cleaning clothes. I'd rather use those than an old rag. I scrubbed the rag all holey.
And I realized JUST how much I actually visually, asthetically, and psychologically ENJOY a clean, white, bright and shiny sink. I gave up after a while in trying to get the grout blinding white, but I also know I am unduly attentive to detail and a bit perfectionistic, in the totally-unproductive, ADD way ... and just focused on the sink. Scrubbed that puppy down, and it was WHITE like bleached teeth.
Gosh. Nice. Reminds me of the dang Fly Lady (cleaning and organizational guru) and her "shine your sink" routine.
And immediately after, I also realized to myself that as much a clean sink is a GREAT thing ... I don't really love it as much as I loathe cleaning it. Like, the 20-30 minutes I spent spiffing it up, were not QUITE worth the 15 seconds of pure, calm enjoyment that I got afterwards. You know? I can totally live in filth. I admit it. I do my part for the environment by CERTAINLY not taking too many showers. The showers I do take, I may spend a bit overlong in them. But two showers a DAY??? The water here is so dang hard, I'd be cracked like a dang Old Master painting in a week! I just think it's kind of stupid to dry yourself out with multiple hot showers a day, and then spend more time lathering on lotions and potions. That is not what I want to spend a majority of my life doing, thank you.
At the end of my life, really, I am not sure I want to (not that it will ever happen, really) be known for having a spotless house. Because that really does take so much time. GAH!!!!
So I have a clean bathroom sink and counter, and a kitchen sink that doesn't stink anymore. Hooray. Now for dishes, etc. Hand-drying is tedious, but it prevents the HORRENDOUS water spots that go everywhere with our super-hard water.
I also just have to say - I have had Domino's pizza for three days in a row now, and today was the best yet. Medium thin-crust with grilled chicken, bacon, and beef, light on the sauce ... and then as soon as I took it home, I dumped a can of corn all over the top. Wednesday night (laaaaaaaaate night craving!) I had a medium with ... um, pepperonic, Italian sausage, ham, beef, and bacon. Yikes. I forgot to ask for thin crust, I was so sad. It was pretty good, still, though. Thursday for lunch, I ordered a Gotham and added the bacon. I have such meat cravings this week!! Blech.
But corn on pizza. It's a British thing. I recoiled and dry-heaved the first time I heard of it also. But it grew on me, and now I think it's a fantastic idea. I have always been a huge corn fan. I'm still getting used to the BBQ chicken pizza thing ... but considering all the random things California Pizza Kitchen throws on their pizzas, BBQ chicken isn't all that strange. The Thai pizza is still very inventive.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Inincible, apparently.
I think I really may have adult ADD. Yikes. A lot of the symptoms sure sound like me. And I heard someone say that she was a chronic procrastinator, and messy, and then took a webmd quiz for adult ADD, scored off the charts, went to the doc, who put her on anti-anxiety meds. She dropped 20 pounds and the procrastination went away.
There was a time, admittedly, in my life ... more in college, perhaps? ... where I would SO run around proclaiming that I loved drugs, and my best friend was named Ibuprofen. Heck yeah! Cramps suck. They went away when I started gaining weight in the last couple years. Three years ago, I went to a vitamin doc that my mom found, and took all his stuff. Dessicated porcine thyroid, evening primrose oil, and oooooooo - HOODIA. Well, I dropped weight, starting at the new (now old and former, darn it :( ) school, and apparently the moms of kids in OTHER classrooms in my building asked their teachers what I was doing.
I stopped taking the stuff, just got out of the habit, since it was a pain when I was working - some pills FIRST thing in the morning, some half hour before eating, some right after eating, pills pills pills. What a waste of money, since they are still sitting in my kitchen on the shelf.
Anyway, I thought the lack of cramps and HORRENDOUS monthlies had to do with the weight gain, but maybe it was just an adulthood thing. I'm middle aged, I think! Almost there. People push the middle-aged boundary, technically. I mean, if the average lifespan is like, 64, or even 70, then 32 IS MIDDLE-AGED. AND SO IS 35 .
There's your happy thought for the day.
So, I found a really cute new blog, and it's apparently more popular than I can ever dream of becoming. That's fine, because life and blogspot is not a frickin contest. But I found great cute stuff on there. It's very cute. (What's not quite as cute is another one of the Technorati Top 50 blogspot blogs ... geez, there are some very controversial Asian chicks out there. I'm just sayin'. And I never knew. Yikes. They're so ... stereotypical. Unreal, physical-appearance-wise. I don't know whether to be scared or admit that on a certain level, they are very attractive, if altogether FAKE. Anyhoo. :) )
It also led me to some revelatory moments.
Let's start with this, shall we?
You know who I love. This!!
So, that led to this: Yeah. I should have taken a hint when the word "psycho" is in the address TWICE. This is what was so cleverly revealed:
Ok, I guess I should work on that. The funny thing is, when I retook it to try to get the worst possible score, I actually did 20% better. Yikes. This is not good. And then I tried to be VERY caring in the choices and I scored 70%. So now I kind of feel like a manipulative b!tch. :)
Then I started poking around Quizzilla and found an interesting something from whence the title of this post cometh:
Created by imperial-dragon
17637 other people got this result! That's 21%
Inincible, breaks all resistance and conquers all obstacles (May not sound it but is a actual saying)
You are very confident. You really dont give two hoots about what other people think about you. You have the confidence, skills and abilities of a leader. But whats most important, you have moral perserverance!! They are few people in the world who can stick to their own morals and beliefs. The human mind is easily swayed and people easily give up what they believe in order to go along with the common crowd. You dont care about trying to fit in. If you know you are right and what you are doing is correct, you will go along with it till the very end.
And with another quiz ...
What Font Are You?
Times New Roman - You can come off slightly stodgy. You are often found in intellectual circles, but the average person finds you boring.
OK, now that's practically getting offensive. I will say, TNR is not one of my favorites. I much prefer Helvetica. OK, maybe I can deal with being boring TO THE AVERAGE PERSON. Down with being all AVERAGE AND STUFF!
I was also told
You have very high self-esteem!
Your level of self-esteem is higher than most, but good for you! The only thing about having as much self-esteem as you do is people can tend to think you are a little pushy, and may get into peoples faces more than they would like.
You bet I do. Um, what's wrong with that. Also, check this one out if you want to poke your eyes out with a stick. It is PAINFUL. Along the lines of something I've lifted and pieced together from another quiz, verbatim ... you're "Subaschun" from the Little Mermaid just "cilling" in "Figi". Yes. Really spelled like that.Too bad the color on this one doesn't show up:
#48D1CC |
Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well. Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it. Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up. |
Actually, there were a few more quizzes that I found EXCEPTIONALLY interesting. I'll start with one I didn't do so very hot on ... Famous or Unknown Artist? I did okay on it. I think I got 67%. But who knew A.H. (haha, it's in initials so I don't give away any answers!) was an artist like that?
I also kicked major booty on Donald Judd, or Cheap Furniture? Surprisingly well, actually. Yay! 92%, and I never even heard of the guy. Or maybe I just REALLY know what is Wal-Mart furniture!
Probably my FAVORITE quiz was the one about spotting a fake smile. "Most" people are "surprisingly bad"?? Excep they didn't quantify the scores so I don't know what exactly is considered bad. I think 16/20 rocks, though.
Also, in case you wondered, I am a 100% expert at bird crap. And missed only one (86%, baby!) in distinguishing Artist vs. Ape. But I bombed the prose one. 17%! OUCH.
Actually, I did pretty badly on all the prosey ones. Oh well.
I'm currently chipping away at the obscene amounts of cleaning and organizing that I have to do in the kitchen, with my out-of-control dishes collection. Oops. Washing and drying by hand ... the spots from the hard water on the dishes are SO bad!! Geez.
But I'll be moving my beloved and barely-used dining room table to my parents' place this weekend, so all that needs doing. Hmm. Too bad I can't invite my downstairs neighbor over for a little tea party now, since as of this weekend I will no longer have a dining table. Ha! Actually, come to think of it, I suppose we could simply recline on my couch and have an informal afternoon tea.
Whee. I'm hungry.