Verdict: thick enough, VERY shiny, I don't recall much of the fruity cherry scent, but a nice tingly mint. And I love the look of the tube! Very major thumbs up. But I SWEAR I am not turning into a lip gloss fiend. :)
Also, tonight!!!
I went to dun-dun-DUN: WAL-MART!! Twice!!
I know. I am killing true American values just by stepping onto the property. I have been such a die-hard Target FANATIC the last few years, I didn't feel like diluting my devotion.
However, on the nice board, someone shared that they found plastic storage totes for super cheap ($2.25 and $1.50!!!). I had to check it out, especially since it was in the same complex as Mimi's Cafe, where I took my parents for dinner. No reason, just because. I was craving their very-special Cobb.
So, the Wal-Mart. I was feeling kind of hesitant. The last time I was there, I think was after Christmas. Sheer madness, and rampant pandemonium. I was there for ... more storage containers! I still think they have the best prices. And somehow I had remembered that they are open 24 hours a day.
But the disorganization, and relatively cheapy look ... blech.
Anyway, I was quite soundly surprised!! It actually is full of very polite customers, who struck me as being noticeably happy, cheerful, and just generally NICE. Even if it's late at night on a weeknight. Maybe I thought I'd meet some people like those that make appearances on this lovely site. Naaaaaah.
The place was clean - there wasn't stuff and pallets all over the place. Working scanners were a bit scarce, at the second Wal-Mart. Helpful employees were at both.
And the lines were not massively long, like they sometimes are ... but maybe that's just in the middle of the day. I DO, however, recall looking over the morass of lines and then feeling quite pleased with myself for spotting, and heading towards, the absolute SHORTEST line ... when I hear the rattling of a cart behind me. As I round the corner to the last straightaway ... she literally speeds up to try to race me to the finish line! I thought to myself, "Oh NO, you're not!" and then I saw her stop, and look at me in surprise, and say, "Oh, are you ...?" The mere fact that she did that, and took the long way around, incidentally, inclined me to let her go first.
It was a good deed for the day. I don't have any kids dragging behind me, like she did, nor do I have work in the morning. Lucky me.
Just about 500 pounds of loose stuff to get moved around. It goes very fast when it's boxed up, or dumped in storage totes. It's the sorting and organizing that eats up time. Wish me luck! :)
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