I think I really may have adult ADD. Yikes. A lot of the symptoms sure sound like me. And I heard someone say that she was a chronic procrastinator, and messy, and then took a webmd quiz for adult ADD, scored off the charts, went to the doc, who put her on anti-anxiety meds. She dropped 20 pounds and the procrastination went away.
There was a time, admittedly, in my life ... more in college, perhaps? ... where I would SO run around proclaiming that I loved drugs, and my best friend was named Ibuprofen. Heck yeah! Cramps suck. They went away when I started gaining weight in the last couple years. Three years ago, I went to a vitamin doc that my mom found, and took all his stuff. Dessicated porcine thyroid, evening primrose oil, and oooooooo - HOODIA. Well, I dropped weight, starting at the new (now old and former, darn it :( ) school, and apparently the moms of kids in OTHER classrooms in my building asked their teachers what I was doing.
I stopped taking the stuff, just got out of the habit, since it was a pain when I was working - some pills FIRST thing in the morning, some half hour before eating, some right after eating, pills pills pills. What a waste of money, since they are still sitting in my kitchen on the shelf.
Anyway, I thought the lack of cramps and HORRENDOUS monthlies had to do with the weight gain, but maybe it was just an adulthood thing. I'm middle aged, I think! Almost there. People push the middle-aged boundary, technically. I mean, if the average lifespan is like, 64, or even 70, then 32 IS MIDDLE-AGED. AND SO IS 35 .
There's your happy thought for the day.
So, I found a really cute new blog, and it's apparently more popular than I can ever dream of becoming. That's fine, because life and blogspot is not a frickin contest. But I found great cute stuff on there. http://howaboutorange.blogspot.com/ It's very cute. (What's not quite as cute is another one of the Technorati Top 50 blogspot blogs ... geez, there are some very controversial Asian chicks out there. I'm just sayin'. And I never knew. Yikes. They're so ... stereotypical. Unreal, physical-appearance-wise. I don't know whether to be scared or admit that on a certain level, they are very attractive, if altogether FAKE. Anyhoo. :) )
It also led me to some revelatory moments.
Let's start with this, shall we?
You know who I love. This!!
So, that led to this: http://www.sanriotown.com/psycho/psycho.htm Yeah. I should have taken a hint when the word "psycho" is in the address TWICE. This is what was so cleverly revealed:
Ok, I guess I should work on that. The funny thing is, when I retook it to try to get the worst possible score, I actually did 20% better. Yikes. This is not good. And then I tried to be VERY caring in the choices and I scored 70%. So now I kind of feel like a manipulative b!tch. :)
Then I started poking around Quizzilla and found an interesting something from whence the title of this post cometh:
17637 other people got this result! That's 21%
Inincible, breaks all resistance and conquers all obstacles (May not sound it but is a actual saying)
You are very confident. You really dont give two hoots about what other people think about you. You have the confidence, skills and abilities of a leader. But whats most important, you have moral perserverance!! They are few people in the world who can stick to their own morals and beliefs. The human mind is easily swayed and people easily give up what they believe in order to go along with the common crowd. You dont care about trying to fit in. If you know you are right and what you are doing is correct, you will go along with it till the very end.
And with another quiz ...
What Font Are You?
Times New Roman - You can come off slightly stodgy. You are often found in intellectual circles, but the average person finds you boring.
OK, now that's practically getting offensive. I will say, TNR is not one of my favorites. I much prefer Helvetica. OK, maybe I can deal with being boring TO THE AVERAGE PERSON. Down with being all AVERAGE AND STUFF!
I was also told
You have very high self-esteem!
Your level of self-esteem is higher than most, but good for you! The only thing about having as much self-esteem as you do is people can tend to think you are a little pushy, and may get into peoples faces more than they would like.
You bet I do. Um, what's wrong with that. Also, check this one out if you want to poke your eyes out with a stick. It is PAINFUL. Along the lines of something I've lifted and pieced together from another quiz, verbatim ... you're "Subaschun" from the Little Mermaid just "cilling" in "Figi". Yes. Really spelled like that.Too bad the color on this one doesn't show up:
#48D1CC |
Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well. Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it. Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up. |
Actually, there were a few more quizzes that I found EXCEPTIONALLY interesting. I'll start with one I didn't do so very hot on ... Famous or Unknown Artist? I did okay on it. I think I got 67%. But who knew A.H. (haha, it's in initials so I don't give away any answers!) was an artist like that?
I also kicked major booty on Donald Judd, or Cheap Furniture? Surprisingly well, actually. Yay! 92%, and I never even heard of the guy. Or maybe I just REALLY know what is Wal-Mart furniture!
Probably my FAVORITE quiz was the one about spotting a fake smile. "Most" people are "surprisingly bad"?? Excep they didn't quantify the scores so I don't know what exactly is considered bad. I think 16/20 rocks, though.
Also, in case you wondered, I am a 100% expert at bird crap. And missed only one (86%, baby!) in distinguishing Artist vs. Ape. But I bombed the prose one. 17%! OUCH.
Actually, I did pretty badly on all the prosey ones. Oh well.
I'm currently chipping away at the obscene amounts of cleaning and organizing that I have to do in the kitchen, with my out-of-control dishes collection. Oops. Washing and drying by hand ... the spots from the hard water on the dishes are SO bad!! Geez.
But I'll be moving my beloved and barely-used dining room table to my parents' place this weekend, so all that needs doing. Hmm. Too bad I can't invite my downstairs neighbor over for a little tea party now, since as of this weekend I will no longer have a dining table. Ha! Actually, come to think of it, I suppose we could simply recline on my couch and have an informal afternoon tea.
Whee. I'm hungry.
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