I first saw her, and heard her, on her premiere on Dave Letterman.
Had no clue who she was, thought she was dressed WEIRDLY with that hair and makeup, and didn't quite get why she was singing such a retro song in that weird semi-ska register.
So, I was profoundly unimpressed with and disinterested in her.
Then, lately, especially this past week, there's been such a steady media stream of her well-nigh-unto-Britney-esque slow implosion. I've seen pics of her massive weight loss, attributed to her newfound addiction to working out ... but I kinda think all the drugs have a lot to do with it??

Anyway, so I just had the one experience with hearing that Rehab song (arrogant! geez) ... and thought I'd look her up on youtube and see what the big deal was, since her concerts were selling well and now they were all cancelled because she basically was stumbling around, unable to perform.
And I am in LOVE with her sultry singing style, such a great soulful sound! Some of her songs have whack lyrics, but for this week at least, it's been an all-Amy soundtrack and she is now one of my favorites. I can totally picture myself listening to her and dancing around during the day while I'm in Europe!! It's the kind of music I'd like to have with me, walking around, or soaking in the sights.
So here's what I've been listening to non-stop for the last two days. That's how I get, in obsessive spurts - listen to a song compulsively for a week or so and then find something else. It happened with Ingrid Michaelson's "The Way I Am" (in essence, the Old Navy sweater song) and Cansei Ser Sexy's "Music is My Hot Hot Sex." (Dang, but they are kinda weird people, yo.)
You Know That I'm No Good - I LOVE THIS REMIX!!!!!
And for some reason, I don't know WHY, I am SO totally mesmerized by Linda Ronstadt's background singer with the huge pile of hair, in the high-waisted yellow pantsuit. Her cute little pumpkin face caught my eye, then I kept watching the video, and seeing her rock out is totally hilarious. I want to know who this woman is!!
Stronger Than Me - Live
I think she looks completely awesome here, and this rendition is all sassy and fulfilling. Too bad I get occasional irate fits of irritation when I happen to think abot how completely grammatically INcorrect "stronger than ME" totally is.
He Can Only Hold Her/That Thing (Lauren Hill)
This one looks so fun. I especially like how she quickly leans down to get a drink before the first line of the song and half stumblers/staggers but makes it on cue. It's just stinkin' hilarious.
And her backup singers!!! Oh my. They are pretty awesome. The hug at the end is cute also. :)
In case you are interested, other nice cuts are Back to Black and Valerie, a cover of the Zutons (sooooo many covers on youtube ... and most not that good, hmm). She has exceptional vocals on Valerie, in my opinion. I also think her studio versions in general sound the best, but she has had some seriously awesome live performances also.
It's too bad she seems to be taking the rock'n'roll fast-track to accelerated self-destruction. I hope she's okay, but she sounds like she has moooondo problems.
In the meantime ... dang. What talent at such a young age.
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