Monday, December 10, 2007

Overwhelmed by eBay

Ok, so as some/all of you might know, I LOVE TO BUY STUFF.

It's probably a sickness and a compulsion. But it's also fun.


Guess what!! I'm so glad that tonight I got good food in me (seriously, is there ANYTHING like CRAVING a certain something and then sitting down and actually PUTTING IT IN YOUR MOUTH AND SWALLOWING??? - I'm all about life's simple pleasures and had a veritable out-of-body experience tonight just from drinking PEPSI!!!!), got some time here on the computer, which I've been missing all day, I love my bed, I love my cute flowery sheets, I love living all by myself, I seriously don't get lonely, I hate the stupid neighbors that park right smack in the driveway in front of the garages that they don't even use when there's clearly a "no parking or we will tow you" sign, I love how cozy my little place is - especially in the wintertime, I'm mildly perturbed by the frigid nature of the climate 'round here lately, and I'm glad I get a chance to catch up on this bloggedy bloggadoo.

So, long overdue - I've been meaning to go through my eBay/PayPal transactions to SEE if I actually GOT everything because I admit I've been buying kind of a lot lately. And it was a stunning eye-opener, to see what I've been spending and be reminded of several items I don't even remember seeing the packages for. However, I've been getting stuff delivered to the school so it might be getting all mishmashy.

Anyway, I'll have to look up and down and hunt all around to see if I am missing any packages. And it sure is helpful when the seller sends stuff through PayPal shipping with delivery confirmation so then I don't go crazy thinking it hasn't even been sent or anything.

I actually sat down and went through everything, though, that's honestly a marvel. Two months' worth of stuff!!!

Man, sometimes I'm sure I could be categorized as officially, crazy, yet, functional.

A couple more posts are on their way tonight.

And lastly - can I say, while I despise the fact that I have a few TV shows that I'm really into watching that are detrimentally impacted by the current writers' strike, I'm glad nothing is on tonight (like, you know, Heroes, which I watch very, very casually) so I can get caught up on other things. It really is true, you can get so much accomplished when you DON'T WATCH TV.

That's if you don't replace it, however, with stuff like watching youtube videos and playing addictive online games.

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