Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I think this happens every year. The two people who work the earliest (hint: one of those people is me. Other hint: the other person is not female) are actually up at the butt-crack of dawn waiting for the rest of the lazy loafers to get their bubbas outta bed and start the holiday stuff.




It's okay.

I was up at 7am, though.

AND there are huge blustery gusting winds outside!! I love it. Totally not Christmas weather, but much preferred to the frost on Saturday.

Hoy!! I have been sneezing like a maniac since I got back here, these huge explosive Mach 20 expectorations.

Have I ever mentioned how I have a COMPLETE AND UTTER SNEEZING PHOBIA?? I've been trying to find out the technical medical term for it but I haven't yet.

Also, I am bored outta my cotton-pickin' gourdy skull and I had really, really, weird dreams last night - and one was very disturbing as well. Maybe I semi-consciously accidentally saw Santa doing something he shouldn't have been doing, like picking his nose or summat like that, and repressed it into a weird dream about people I haven't seen for a long time.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!

And I am just ITCHING to hear my favorite Christmas song of all time, The Christmas Waltz by Barry Manilow.

I haven't heard it yet!

I've heard Burl Ives' "Have A Holly, Jolly, Christmas" (such an old classic standard, and I love the hokeyness of it!), and only heard part of "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Mariah ... that might be a tie with Barry.


And I love that "Believe" Josh Groban song, but I wish Barry Manilow would sing it.

Mariah Carey also has decent Christmas music.

Anyhoo, sis needs to get up to make me some quiche and I promise I will help her with the chili and pigs in blankets, because that's what I feel like eating today!!!!!!

And I woke myself up with a tangerine-peel-infused facial sauna this morning, just because I felt like it and spied my mom's $6.99 SPA VENETIA Made-in-China from Big Lots, and my skin is so soft!

Alright, enough random hunger-driven rambling now.

Wait! One last little thing.

I wish to express my deep, undying, and utter gratitude that I am not entrenched and embroiled in a horrid, friction-laden relationship as described by some people that I "know" "online" when they post about their problems and frustrations and I start to feel bad for them. As much as my family is probably dysfunctional, and irritating, and exceptionally uncomfortable when taken in large doses, everyone is settling down nicely as we aaaaaaall age, and I know everyone means well.

And we are still family.

And it's sad to hear about women whose husbands BUY THEM NOTHING for Christmas and birthdays and Valentine's Day, and I'm sorry, but that is totally uncalled for and not to be allowed! Horrible. I could never stand for that. Not that I expect to be spoiled, or anything, but a little recognition on special occasions is always in order.

I intend on being a VERY thoughtful and VERY generous person/partner when it's my time, or not, but hints and reminders would work for me. I wonder why they appear not to work for other people? :(

Well, I try to make it a point to be grateful for everything that I have, and I know that I am a very lucky and blessed person, especially if I compare myself to so many others in this vast, encompassing world.

Life is full of good things and it could be so much entirely super duper horrifically worse!!!

"You have everything you need, if you just believe ..." [in JESUS]!!!!!


ByE nOw!


  1. Merry Chirstmas!
    I'm behind on my blog(will caught up this week)
    but My favorite Christmas song is
    The Christmas Waltz by Harry Connick JR. #3 on the album I love it.
    I love Barry too!! but Harry has my Heart.

  2. Hi Amy!!

    Thank you for commenting! I've been checking your blog and missing your posts. I figured you were up to "no good" in "real life world" with the family and holiday activities! Still loving that pic of your tree, too.

    Hope y0u had a wonderful day and I will check out Harry's version. I used to think he was the hottest things on two legs, till he did Copycat. Ugh.

    I like his credit card commercial in Nawlins, though, that's great.

    Geseende Kersfees!
    Mele Kelikimaka!
    Buon Natale!
    Feliz Navidad!
    Gladelig Jul!
    And Mari Kalisumasu!

  3. That's funny...we were listening to The Ultimate Manilow Collection today in the car on our way home from Nor. Cal. Don't have his Christmas album, though. My vote is for Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas"!

  4. I found your blog on a random Blogger search for "thrifting". I think I made it all the way back to Oct. and plan to come back and read more when I can hold my eyes open.

    As you will see, I have a blog, but it doesn't get updated that frequently. Funny how a couple of months can slip by that quickly.

  5. Hi, oliveoyl64! Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you are not bored outta yer gourd.

    Appreciate the comment! I took a look at your blog as well and am drooling over your finds ...

    Happy New Year!!!
