Monday, July 28, 2008

Oh. My. Gosh.

"Becky, look at her butt."


Yes, I'm up late. Yes, I should be asleep. Yes, I should feel proud that I actually got SO much done this week.

But no, I don't feel that way, because my mother has a nagging problem. *hiss*

So I'm online looking up all these random things because cleaning out my old bedroom FOR THE FINAL TIME!!! meant that I found all these old pictures and souvenirs and such from my college days (so young! so leetle! so twee!). I toooootally starting reminiscing about a very good friend I had, and wanted to look her up on hotmail to see if she was still around.

On the site, instead, well, I admit my interest was piqued by the article about a Mormon missionary calendar. As in, a calendar composed of Mormon missionaries - male - AND NOT EVEN FULLY CLOTHED.

It's no Calendar Girls, but goodness. It's WEIRD. As in - are those two things even supposed to go together??

What is TOTALLY EVEN WEIRDER IN THAT STUPID ARTICLE is all the other random flirty calendars that are out there. (Check out the article, since I don't feel like linking to the kinking!)

Now, for those of you with a more delicate constitution, I do believe the next portion is rather PG. Just warning you!






Oh yes indeed. I guess they tried to pick the better-looking ones. And all of them are wearing appropriate attire, I believe.

I dunno, doesn't something like this fly in the face of ... what is generally expected?? I don't think TOO many "religious institutions," including the Catholic church, are totally way too out of touch with reality and the world at large. I'm sure many would disagree with me, on multiple levels on many points - but it just seems freaking WEIRD to put these people/men who have dedicated their lives to serving the Lord in a position where it is OBVIOUS the INTENT is NOT exactly HOLY. You know? I'll be honest, there was some nice eye sugar that I wouldn't mind looking at every day, but actually, I just wouldn't. IT'S ICKY. Also, I am not like that and I would get bored. Appreciation is one thing, and glued eyes are another.

It's so very ... Thorn Birds. Yes, even with Richard Chamberlain!

So, if you must, you can find the gallery of previous years, and a comments section. Good glory.

ALSO!! THESE HORRENDOUS COMMENTS squick me out. Since apparently little innocent ole me never knew there was a gay fascination with priests? Where was THAT particular personage from The Village People, then? Because we all know what song they were singing, apropos enough. :P

OK, enough of the weirdness. I looked up stats for this little blog on google analytics and found some weird referrals again. Yikes.

Admittedly, "Rachel Ashwell" with various accoutrements is a HUGE hit referral. But "a eiffel tower down the middle on a comforter"?? (#24. ) And "cute butt"???? Really? Really?? I don't recall blogging about that!!! (#53.) Maybe I did mention something about a "fabic oy," (#62) or "hyena comforters" (#74). "Octopusmania" (#84).

But the primary referral is still "Goodwill finds." I kind of like that. :)


  1. oh those calendars are strange...

  2. oh my! that is disturbing...

    mimi- you are hilarious!... even in writing!

  3. Well, goodness. Of all the posts for the pastor's wife to comment on, it had to be this one???

    Could it also be because your hubby is the one who could not HELP HIMSELF but share "Baby Got Book"???

    It IS such a catchy bass riff.

    And, of course, RO is the one who introduced the song to me! And vice versa. I just realized that. Howwww funny.


    I would say "strange" and "disturbing" are both appropriate labels. Off- colour! Crass! Lowbrow!! Ill-advised! I could continue, but I will not.

    I'm glad I didn't think of it. But did I hear that it is being sold IN THE VATICAN??? It definitely is being sold all around Rome ... but I never noticed, in 2004. Maybe I will take a closer look next time. I never even stepped out of the train station in 2006. I had plenty of time to, if I had only "known" that the Italian trains WOULD be two hours late.

    It's like, not really Italian, if it isn't, I've heard.

    As for the whole gay priest thing ... alright, so there was the big American scandal. And now one in Australia, as well, if I'm not mistaken. What a blight upon the history of the Church!

    But usually the perpetrators were old yucky priests, right???

    UGH. Stuff like that aggrieves me to no end.
