Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year, everyone. Hope you all make it out alive.
I wonder when this lil card will get annoying??? I may replace it with another eventually.
Sis and her bf have a "Come Celebrate New Year's Eve Dressed Like Your Favorite Washed-Up Celebrity" Party and
1) I'm working on a beehive
2) The black hair CERTAINLY is long enough
3) Yes, I DO indeed have scruffy scuffed up pink ballet slippers
4) I may need to borrow eyeliner for the cat eyes!!!
5) I can't decide between a dress or the hinky denim cutoffs
6) Unfortunately, no authentic tattoos, but maybe that eyeliner can do double duty.
Y'all guessed who I'll be, right??? I DOUBT I will permit ANY photographs of this incriminating evidence. But maybe. If the new year finds me in an appeased and mollified mood.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It's okay.
I was up at 7am, though.
AND there are huge blustery gusting winds outside!! I love it. Totally not Christmas weather, but much preferred to the frost on Saturday.
Hoy!! I have been sneezing like a maniac since I got back here, these huge explosive Mach 20 expectorations.
Have I ever mentioned how I have a COMPLETE AND UTTER SNEEZING PHOBIA?? I've been trying to find out the technical medical term for it but I haven't yet.
Also, I am bored outta my cotton-pickin' gourdy skull and I had really, really, weird dreams last night - and one was very disturbing as well. Maybe I semi-consciously accidentally saw Santa doing something he shouldn't have been doing, like picking his nose or summat like that, and repressed it into a weird dream about people I haven't seen for a long time.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!
And I am just ITCHING to hear my favorite Christmas song of all time, The Christmas Waltz by Barry Manilow.
I haven't heard it yet!
I've heard Burl Ives' "Have A Holly, Jolly, Christmas" (such an old classic standard, and I love the hokeyness of it!), and only heard part of "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Mariah ... that might be a tie with Barry.
And I love that "Believe" Josh Groban song, but I wish Barry Manilow would sing it.
Mariah Carey also has decent Christmas music.
Anyhoo, sis needs to get up to make me some quiche and I promise I will help her with the chili and pigs in blankets, because that's what I feel like eating today!!!!!!
And I woke myself up with a tangerine-peel-infused facial sauna this morning, just because I felt like it and spied my mom's $6.99 SPA VENETIA Made-in-China from Big Lots, and my skin is so soft!
Alright, enough random hunger-driven rambling now.
Wait! One last little thing.
I wish to express my deep, undying, and utter gratitude that I am not entrenched and embroiled in a horrid, friction-laden relationship as described by some people that I "know" "online" when they post about their problems and frustrations and I start to feel bad for them. As much as my family is probably dysfunctional, and irritating, and exceptionally uncomfortable when taken in large doses, everyone is settling down nicely as we aaaaaaall age, and I know everyone means well.
And we are still family.
And it's sad to hear about women whose husbands BUY THEM NOTHING for Christmas and birthdays and Valentine's Day, and I'm sorry, but that is totally uncalled for and not to be allowed! Horrible. I could never stand for that. Not that I expect to be spoiled, or anything, but a little recognition on special occasions is always in order.
I intend on being a VERY thoughtful and VERY generous person/partner when it's my time, or not, but hints and reminders would work for me. I wonder why they appear not to work for other people? :(
Well, I try to make it a point to be grateful for everything that I have, and I know that I am a very lucky and blessed person, especially if I compare myself to so many others in this vast, encompassing world.
Life is full of good things and it could be so much entirely super duper horrifically worse!!!
"You have everything you need, if you just believe ..." [in JESUS]!!!!!
ByE nOw!

Monday, December 24, 2007
My FAMILY drives me completely UP THE WALL
How's everybody doing today. :)
I've been very productive this past weekend, in my own somewhat-humble opinion.
I sure haven't cleaned nearly enough, though, knowing that I have someone coming to stay with me in less than two weeks!! :O
However, I did clear out some trash and organize half of the closet and then proceeded to run quickly out of room to put all my various precious junx.
Washing the front porch/balcony was also slightly less successful than I had hoped, but at least it is now done and I did the best I could. Boy, white paint gets dirty in dusty, polluted, Southern California, eh??
So FIRST of all, last night was the first night I was home at the parental palace (hee) for the Christmas holidays.
After church (which was pretty fun!), I came home, and the parents came home, and then they left to go listen to some random violinist at another church, and I ended up passing out on the couch for a good 4 or so hours.
I woke up soooooooooo hungry and baby sis was laid up in bed with a horrible nasal congestion thingy and nobody else was home. So that was like, 4pm. And then I dozed and napped some more waiting for people to come the heck home already and the first person to come home was middle sis, loaded with groceries for the office party today and Christmas dinner and stuff.
Then mom and dad came home fully laden with the goods two hours later, just as I was preparing to lose my mind!! Yum yum, special Taiwanese food that I loooooooooooove.
Till we all sat down and thus ensued the massive piss party.
Ugh, horribly unpleasant.
See, my view of things is ... if we sit down to have a family dinner, EVERYONE is sitting together, and we have COMMUNAL CONVERSATION.
According to SOME people, if TWO OTHER PEOPLE are already having a conversation about what the youngest will be doing after graduation, and the advisability of taking a graduate research assistant position in the Caribbean ... uh, I'm not allowed to BUTT INTO the conversation. Because, apparently, you have to be invited first, at least at THIS family table.
Oh, and if I ask questions to try to find out details about the situation and what A CERTAIN SOMEONE'S exact plans are, I better stop, because she DOESN'T APPRECIATING BEING INTERROGATED.
Can you tell I am still steamed? I think she is a tart and a horrid little b!tch sometimes, but I will get over it. We talked when I got up to clear the table and do the dishes immediately after everyone finished eating (HELLO! Also I put everything else and all the leftovers away, so there!), and basically it was resolved, I think, and she did apologize also, but sheesh!!
I was so disappointed that the first family get together was so obnoxiously unpleasant. Then again, that's what makes them FAMILY, RIGHT??
'Course I don't REALLY mean that.
Hah. :D
So, actually, the MOST depressing thing was putting up the d@mn Christmas tree, which I love anyway.
Guess what? I did the entire Christmas tree BY MYSELF last year TOO while the rest of the family was sleeping. Oh boy, that was not nice, though I think it turned out marvelously!! I think I did it Christmas morning, no less. I guess I'm used to getting up early. I just remembered that last year, our last day of school was DECEMBER 23, anyway, so it's not as if that much time had passed before Christmas was upon us.
This year, after I finished clearing the table and cleaning up after dinner, both sisters went straight up to bed, since one is suffering the physical repercussions of her horrible relational habits (:P) and and the other had to work in the morning. And daddoo was tired from work also so he went to bed early. And mom wandered off somewhere, don't know where.
So I lugged the Christmas tree set (I like to do three!) by myself, got out all the decorations myself (I don't think anybody else owns any Christmas decorations, anyway, it's all compulsive-shopper-hoarder me), and decorated BY MYSELF.
Still, I turned the radio on to the Christmas music, and had a pretty good time throwing all the stuff up on the tree.
It always takes me a little while to decide what I want to have on the tree, and the colors and the decorations. I went completely loco-nuts buying decorations this year at Target, the pink and candy stuff that I posted earlier, but all that was at my apartment, and all I had was my regular older stuff at my parents' place. So I went with a white/brown/light green rustic kind of Christmas tree. I remember 2 years ago it was all white and glass and tin and gold (I probably have a picture somewhere), and last year was red and very countryish, and this year ended up being countryish too, but mostly white. I LOVE IT!!
And once I had nearly finished and I turned on the lights on the tree, it was like, seriously magical. That's my favorite moment so far. I said, "Oh, woooooow, that is sooooo pretty." And my mom, who was sitting at the dining table watching her own weird opera woman sing annoying songs, agreed with me. Wanna know why she didn't help me with the tree? Because she thought the Christmas music I had on from the radio was too noisy. CHRISTMAS! MUSIC! TOO! NOISY!
That's called "you-have-a-problem."
Anyway, the tree looked nice, but a little cold, and off, and missing something, till I put in a few teeny touches of red (little red wooden hearts!) and that was PERFECT. Now I am fully satisfied, but I don't have a pic yet.
Today I put up the stockings, too.
That was after I dragged both parents out to The Original Pancake House, which, if you'll check out the link, HAPPENS TO BE CLOSED ON MONDAYS.
Didn't I feel like the fool, especially since it's 20+minutes away. Darn it!
But both parents were patient and gracious and we ended up going to a Chinese supermarket where we had dimsum stuff instead and shopped for dinner tonight. I think we're having some church friends over - just the dad and the older daughter, since (don't ask me why) the mom bopped off to China with the younger daughter for I-don't-know-how-long.
And now my kvetching about my dear sainted family is over and I will concentrate on enjoying the Christmas season. Whee!!
I'll save the complaining about one of the most horrible, agonizing, cruel and terrible experiences I have had in recent memory for later. This was probably 3 weeks ago already, or something. Boy, was it awful. Even though it ended up being okay. Eye-opening experience.
Anyway, I am now going to enjoy Christmas and go wrap presents while [nosy] [ungrateful] mom is out of the house. I bought her the most presents because she needs them the most :P.
Will have pics up of the tree later.

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Today was the day I was meant to CLEAN! CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN!
It's official - Jenny: (hi there, Jenny at Denny's in Auckland, New Zealand!)
will be coming to stay with me for 3 weeks in January!!! I like hosting people. Whee. Which is why I simply MUST move into a bigger place with a guest bedroom, dagnabbit. Also a storage room.
Because this place is a pigsty!! Look up "compulsive hoarding" in wikipedia and you will get an idea as to the very state of affairs in my now ever-so-humble abode. Grr.
So I have to do something about it.
1. Gonna sweep and clean the front porch because it's disgusting and needs it.
2. Need to clean and organize the bedroom closet so I can put stuff away and tidy the frick up.
3. Something MUST be done about the damn living room. There's like, only a little walkway, and stuff is all piled up! Makes me SAD.
4. Kitchen needs major help and work too. I just have stuff out everywhere. Too much stuff!!
5. Need to clean out the car and put my goods away.
6. I do believe I will take a SIGNIFICANT shopping break for the next week or so, though even MY FATHER (after whom I take quite a lot) asked me today if I was "shopping" when he called me and he also offered to go shopping with me on Christmas Day, though I think he meant the day after Christmas, and I just might take him up on it, if he doesn't have to work. We went shopping together on Black Friday this year, I hope you know. That was nice and fun. He likes buying stuff and collecting stuff as well, and that's probably where I get it from, so as far as he is concerned, it probably does not take much to convince him how WORTHWHILE it can be to go at the right time to the right place to get the right goods for the right price!
So all that needs to get a serious dent put into it and dang I just now remembered I forgot a couple Christmas cards and another letter of recommendation I need to send for a friend so she can work at a hospice (how altruistic and community-minded of her! I don't do productive things like that in my spare time, really) and I also need to wrap the presents I bought for family before I leave to go stay at the parental house for the next 3 days Merry Christmas.
The sun is setting now and it's'a'gonna get chilly and I feel my wilting drive withering already.
This morning was FREEZING COLD and I WORE FOUR LAYERS. There was frost on the car next to mine, frost on the grass of the lawn at the yard sale I hit this morning (only one! I was good! Also, there were not that many since it's only 3 days to Christmas), as well as the roof of another ... um, yard sale that I stayed 1 minute at since I'd forgotten about it - I saw the sign last minute and stopped by.
I did hit a few thrift stores today and it was nice.
The first one I got there a bit before it opened, and dang, people really DO wait outside for it to open! It was a bit of a dud, though I perused, and then picked up, a set of 3 pillowcases that looked prettyish with the flowers and looked like they might match the purple rosey Rachel Ashwell Treasures fitted sheet I got at the same store a few weeks back. So that was pretty much all I saw at that place, and it was a bit disappointing, since how often do I get to arrive as it opens??? But then I thought, well, I might as well check the tags of the pillowcases in case it's something nice AND WHADDYA KNOW, THOSE PILLOWCASES ARE RACHEL ASHWELL TREASURES LINE AS WELL!! I would REALLY like to know who is donating this Rachel Ashwell business, because HONESTLY.
Then I found a few books and that was good.
I hit another thrift store, they had 30% off today as a Christmas special, and I only got a set of votives that will replace the set with one missing from my Halloween candle holder, and I got a white shabby chic-style candlestick missing some pendants, from what it looks like, and the Country Living Cottage Style decorating book in hardcover.
I was all set to head home and hit the weekend farmer's market with my downstairs neighbors, but I stopped by a Goodwill, decided to ask them about the last chance store, since Apron Thrift Girl first mentioned an outlet, and I DID end up driving all the way out there. THEY WERE CLOSED ON WEEKENDS!! But I was able to walk inside and take a look since they were there working. So that was the plan, that I'd take a look at that thing this break since I have time over the holidays. Finding that place was a production, I tell you, because I first tried looking it up in the Yellow Pages that took a long time to be found at this one thrift store, then I drove to the Goodwill, then ended up backtracking to get gas and head onto the freeway to go to the place.
And then I came home and bonded with my computer since I love to do that.
OK, promising myself to sweep and be productive now. Because it will look nice and I will feel proud of myself and then all shall be presentable again sometime in the near future.
I still want to post about my most exceedingly horrible experience at one of these thrift stores about 2 weeks ago. IT. WAS. AGONY.
Oh yeah, and last Sunday I hit Vet's Stadium again and it was brilliant. Hee. Funny story also.

Tacky Christmas Yards ... (d0t) com
Today they had a featured article on the excesses of Christmas decorating. Considering the eyesore junk that I see being electrified and promulgated in modern American commercial and retail corporations ... ick. Tres ugly.
So I read the article and apparently SOMEONE is SO OFFENDED she started a site/blog about it ... hilarious.
I took a look at Tacky Christmas Yards and just about blew a gasket. So, stinkin', funny.
Have a look, and here are my top 3 favorites:
1. Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Angels and their heavenly urine

Violations: None. Just funny.
Anonymous said...
lolol....soo funny!...looks like tapeworms dangling out of angels...
2. Thursday, December 20, 2007
Mr & Mrs C - chillin in the yard

Santa and friends appear to be passed out cold? A little too much egg nog?
(Fallen Figurines/Drive-by Shooting Victims Violation)
3. Thursday, December 20, 2007
Hunting Season

Submitted by Ed
Two of Santa's Reindeer, shot and hung from a tree, blood oozing. Anonymous said...
so thats how Rudolph got a red nose
Anonymous said...
Okay, horrible, but hilarious.
Hurrah!!! Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I have been SEARCHING for these darn plates for over a month now ... these darn big black and white damask plates:
I went ahead and got the salad plates when they were on sale in the weekly circular a few weeks back, because I do totally love them, but those big dinner plates have been impossible to find for the past month.
And of course, guess where I found them!!!!!!! Yarr, Goodwill.
But there's the thing - ONE of the plates was BROKEN!! I honestly was nearly gonna buy ANOTHER in-store set that had one dish broken just because I was so desperate to own them.
Anyway, when I saw the plates in Goodwill, I nearly screamed. I was thinking about miraculously find a set no more than 10 seconds before I actually spied them. Man, it was unduly exciting. I love the hunt.
However, upon closer inspection, I realized the very back plate was cracked exactly in half.
So, so, very sad.
So, I looked at all the rest of them, and they looked fine ... and so I put the broken one on top, hoping to show it to them so maybe I could get a mark down. I think they were marked $11.99.
I bring it up there, ask about the damage/markdown, and the chick ringing me up (hee, she's a nice, albeit goofy, and slightly clumsy gal) says, "OOOOOOOOOH, they were NOT like that before. They've been sitting there for WEEKS and they weren't like that yesterday."
Inside, I died a little. Yesterday? Yesterday? I'd missed them because of one day?? Because I was too tired to drag myself outta my parent's house to hit the sainted GOODWILL????
Awful. Awful awful awful. I was like mentally beating myself up for not going to Goodwill just a day earlier to get these darn plates that have been totally on my mind since I first laid eyes on them!
So as I got into the car, and drove to the other Target, finger crossed, and wishing and hoping that a set would be there ... I realized something.
I realized that *I* had moved the broken plate up from the back of the set. And if no one had taken a closer inspection, they would not have known. And despite the Goodwill employees ASSURING me that they were not broken before, and they must have been broken some time during the day before ... perhaps they had not realized the rear plate was jacked up. Hmm!!! Maybe THAT'S why the set was sent to Goodwill!!
Anyway, that's the idea that I held on to and have been reiterating, since it pacifies my inner anxious curmudgeon. It does make me feel better. And now I have the big dinner plates!!! So I will keep hunting at and looking for the plates at Goodwill even AFTER Christmas because I can use these other times of the year. And they go SO well with the beaded chargers I got last year that look SO much better than the weird ugly ones they have this year.
And you know what else I got for $14.99 at this Goodwill?

And this lil baby is regularly $129.99 at Target.

December is ending
Can't believe it! I remember talking with a guy last year (don't talk to him no mo no mo!! GOOD) who predicted this would be a good year for me. There were some good things, but overall ... hm, I'm not sure it's gonna be entirely memorable.
Like, honestly? Can't remember what I did when I was 27.
I guess if I go back over the years and try to fit the pieces in with like, memorable events, it's doable ... but the best parts of life are the trips to Europe. So far. OK, New Zealand counts kinda, too.
I STILL am not thinking I will be able to afford a backpacking trip to Europe this upcoming summer with the deplorable condition of the U.S. currency in the international marketplace BUT - I was so, so, SO sure that it was a sign when I found the 1998 Let's Go Europe guidebook at the thrift store earlier this year. Urgh.
*insert sidenote tangent as to the complete and utter relevance of a 1998 Let's Go Europe guidebook*
(Ok, so, like, 1998 was the first time I ever went to Europe. I went with a school group, kinda, with some school friends, and basically 4 of us traveled around together. We divvied up the tasks, and one of the guys was in charge of the money - we had a budget - the other guy was in charge of getting us around, with the maps, and timetables and stuff, I booked hostels and made phone calls and talked to information people, and the other chick was in charge of food. Now that I think about it, it was a pretty awesome division of labor.
Anyway, it was my first time to Rome ... and overall I HATED IT UBER DECIDEDLY ... but one evening we ate out and decided to look in the guidebook for recommendations on places to eat. Seriously, I have decided that Let's Go has absolutely THE BEST dining recommendations for Europe. Sorry, but that's my diehard opinion.
So, we looked for a cheap place to eat, I remember the mappy guy led us around to this little non-touristy quaint back alley area, wherein I feasted on the MOST INCREDIBLY UNFORGETTABLE MOUTH-WATERING OBNOXIOUSLY DELICIOUS SALAD I'VE EVER HAD IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE. And I really like salads.
I remember it was an insalata tonnato - yes, I DO have an awesome memory!! - and it was totally different than what I was expecting. I don't know why veal in Rome is always so weird and gross, but it is. This was a romaine lettuce salad, with the poached/blanched thin-sliced pieces of whitey veal, and a SIMPLY GARGANTUAN EPIPHANY of a salad dressing. It was a tuna salad dressing. I had no idea how they made it and I'd never heard of such a thing in my life but seriously??? I happen to have strangely good luck with ordering things off a menu. That other Roman veal mishap in 2004 notwithstanding ....
Anyway, I've never forgotten that salad. That salad was SO. INREDIBLY. GOOD. I've never tried to replicate it, but I should. What I certainly WON'T replicate was my friend's white macaroni and cheese which ended up being SPICY. Um, weird, and gross. It's not even orange mac and cheese - hee, Americano - and it tasted of jalapenos??? Nasty.
So, like, great, we had a wonderful salad at the little cute joint, but WHAT happened at the end of the summer? And WHY do I not remember or have a clue in Hades as to where this little dive was??
BECAUSE - at one of our last hostels, we checked it and I left the guidebook on my bunkbed in the hostel. And I did not discover until hours later, when I went back, and noticed ... that ... the book? like, looked a little different? somehow? that SOME STUPID REPULSIVE I-HOPE-YOU-GET-A-THOUSAND-AND-ONE-PAPERCUTS-ALL-OVER-YOUR-BODY-INCLUDING-ON-YOUR-EYEBALLS-AND-THEN-HAVE-A-LEMON-JUICE-BATH JerkFace had switched our nice, new, 1998 Let's Go guidebook with a manky jacked up 1997.
I cannot even begin to describe to you the flooding angst that appeared on the furious horizon.
Anyway, so our precious Let's Go - which we had irreverently considered calling "Satan" but ended up affectionately nicknaming Sklep, in commemoration of a truly horrendous hostelling experience in Prague ... YACK - was gone ... and I did end up getting my hands on a spare copy when we got back to school and I was cleaning out the office desk when I did the school program again ... but then I totally discarded it when I was moving out after graduation, not realizing how desperately I would pine for the information on the joint which introduced me to the joys of a freaking INSALATA TONNATO.
I honestly had NO idea how I was gonna find a 1998 Let's Go - I mean, random, right??? - in 2004, or 2005. Or 2007. Cuz I seriously did look on eBay and even considered posting a Want It Now.
And then I found one in the thrift store a couple months ago and KNEW it was confirmation that I was supposed to go to Europe this year, because I believe in signs like that.)
*end typically long-winded and overly-detailed tangent*
I found another one yesterday and didn't think that it was a sign. But at the thrift store yesterday it was not 50% off but it was tagged a color that was supposed to be 50% off today ... so I took it as a sign that I was supposed to buy it when I went back today and did indeed see it again.
Would you consider that a sign that I am meant to go?? There are other very very important things I could be doing this next dadgum summer but the trips to Europe have all been terribly PRICELESS.
Maybe I'll try to swing it with my youngest sister this time. Dunno how I will be able to afford it, really, but boy, was my middle sister smart to take up my invite to go with me in 2004.
*brag time* I paid for EVERYTHING.
I cringe now to think of how much money I had in da BANK that year. And how much I had LEFT OVER EVEN AFTER WE GOT BACK.
Sadly, that was just about the last dregs of my frugal days.
Anyhoo, I am glad I have some catch-up time on the blog! I need to be all caught up or else it's gonna drive me crazy. I'm still thinking of posting stuff from EUROPE 2006. Shup.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007
Actually, I'd called her earlier in the week, like Thursday, or something, and hadn't heard back from her (no fault of hers, I think), so I had actually gotten up to go to the sale (after clearing my car out of heavyish stuff since the sale was a bit far away) and was THERE when I got a call from her!
She ended up meeting me there with her two kids, and that was fine, since I love to see them.
I just remember that this scene was CRAZY. I left the house a little later than I wanted, I wanted to get there about 10 minutes early. Usually on the first day, especially first thing, the lines are pretty long. It started at 9, and I got there at 9:05, there were cars parked on both sides of the street already, and I went ahead and parked in a close spot that had a Reserved sign. Pretty sure that's only for when they are working during the week, and I didn't care too much.
So the line was about 30 people deep, with people streaming in from off the street the entire time, and honestly, I've never had to wait that line, it was moving at a pretty fast clip. Till I realized that I forgot my "Fast Cart" pass - some lil doohickey I can print out to skip the computer check-in process. Well, I've been to so many of these that the check-in thing doesn't take me more than literally 30 seconds, so I decide to just go ahead and do that.
And then I wait.
And wait.
And wait.
I swear, like, nearly 15 minutes goes by?? I have no idea what is going on. There's a bank of 3 computers, and seriously, all 3 people up there are taking FOREVER. The line just gets all jammed up with 2 people waiting for each computer, and then all of a sudden, the chick over at the furthest left computer does something and accidentally logs out of the check-in system so nobody can use it anymore. The two women in front of me decide to go and investigate, and they are feeling all fretty, judging by their conversations and repeated assertions that they "should've checked email again" and la di di. I tell them that I've NEVER had to wait THIS long in the FIVE years I've been coming to these sales ... and the one chick goes over because she's starting to get all impatient and stuff. And when she goes to get back in line, she tries to step in front of this other lady, who inches over and doesn't let her, and there's this like, silent confrontration, and the lady who left the line starts with the whole "ExCUSE me ..." when the other lady in line says, "I was here ..." and "Excuuuuuuse me" lady says "Oh! Were you already in line? Oh, I'm so SORRY!!" and tries to laugh it off and pat the other lady on the arm all friendly-like.
I might be shallow, but I admit I took a bit of a dislike to this Miss Bleached-Blonde Smarmy fakey chick.
Man, I'm so judgmental!
So, the OTHER two people on the OTHER two computers are ALSO having major problems and I'm feeling like I've stepped into a village completely populated by inept DUMBASSES, and I decide to take off.
I storm for the entrance, and the woman in charge asks me if I have my fastcart pass, and I tell her that I'd already signed up online (which I had), but I didn't get a chance to print it out, and asked if I really needed it to get inside. She told me it wasn't necessary unless I wanted that $10-off-$50 purchase coupon, and I said I didn't need it, so I got to go in!
Yay! Joy from the circumvention of FOLLOWING THE CATTLE CROWD.
So that was the first mini-victory. Then I get inside, go around a few of the aisles, and finally find the $1 section where they are opening up boxes and still labeling value-packs of 2 shrink-wrapped books for $1. I dig around, find a few odds and ends, nothing overly exciting, then I see a big crowd form and apparently they have found packs of these little hardcover non-fiction books with the clear overlays and stuff. These books usually sell for $12.99 EACH, and they had the 2-packs for $1 each. This stuff is usually Scholastic Book Fair overstock, and stuff returned from schools.
So, this stuff turns out to be a bit hit, and I swear, there was this one woman who parked herself in front of the people marking the books and proceeded to HOG everything they were digging out - hardcover picture books, all of the clear overlay flip books, and nobody else is getting a chance at those. Partly it should also have been the people marking and handing out the stuff to disperse it evenly ... I was just sad that when I'd first asked if they were going to open up any more boxes, the woman there at the time said she had noooooooo idea, she was just a volunteer who was supposed to mark the books $1.
Anyway, that sort of environment is so not my style and I had just about enough of that annoying obnoxious rudeness, so at that point I wandered away and then Jen came and I met up with her and browsed some more.
I did head back to that area later, and got a couple picture book sets, but that was all.
And the point to this story??? When I was making one last round, I actually found an entire STACK of these little hardcover books that someone had just dumped on a random shelf - and they weren't marked. Since I knew they had been marking them there, I grabbed the ones I wanted, separated those, and brought them over so they could slap the sticker on.
HA HA FRICKIN' HA! I hate it when people are all greedy and rude, and I felt vindicated that I was able to get some after all.
I did feel bad, though, because I recognized a lady that I'd spoken to before at one of these sales - she seriously has like, 7 or 8 kids, and homeschools, and all that jazz, so we chatted for a bit - last time I remember she was nursing a kid with one arm while digging through the big ole boxes of cheap books. Heh. AND I think she was pregnant then with the one she was holding in her arms that day!!! She said she got smart this time and left the other kids at home with her husband. He was a nice husband, too, from what I remembered last time, corralling the kids all patiently and stuff and reading to them.
Anyway, I didn't end up discarding any of those books at the end so I didn't have any to give to her :(. I gave a couple other books away, books I already had but had picked up randomly in case Jennifer or someone else wanted them ...
The most outrightly RUDE experience was when we were walking to the line to check out, and I saw a cart of books that had been discarded and were probably going to be reshelved - I looked at the top one, and then saw one that I TOTALLY knew and loved and wanted at the bottom, and reached for it at the same time as this other chick did, so then I stopped myself, BECAUSE I WAS NOT FREAKING RAISED TO BE A RUDE, SNATCHING, IMPOLITE BITCH, and this other young, also Asian, chick, snatches it up. All I said was, "Oh, that's a good one ..." and she goes ... "Yeah, it is!" and walks off with it.
I swear, next time something like that happens, I WILL DO SOMETHING. And it will not be beyond me to snatch it right out of her filthy paws.
I'm so aggressive now!
But I'm starting not to care as I get older. You know that Kathy Bates character in Fried Green Tomatoes, or whatever it is? "Yeah, but I have more insurance"?? It's like that. What do I have to lose? I don't think I'm going to see that person again. Heh. And they have a lesson to learn! And I volunteer to teach it!
I just feel very sad and disappointed in people when they act like that. Honestly? There is enough to go around. People don't need to act like that, especially over children's books in America.
If this other gargoyle had the proper upbringing to see me reaching for it, and stop herself also, I probably would have asked her if she already had a copy or not, and if she didn't, just go ahead and let her have it.
Because, I admit, I already had a copy of that book in my cart. But I wanted another one! Because it's always a hit in the classroom and the books in the library get all chewed up.
Grrrrrrrrrr. What an ugly, ugly encounter.
I called her a stupid biznatch and other choice epithets in my head, and quite possibly muttered a few other choice words after her, and next time something like that happens I FER SHUR will go and have a confrontation, because it is going to BE AWWN, and then I decided to just get over it 10 minutes after that. And 10 minutes after that, I found another discarded copy of that book, so haha. Sucks to be a low-class guttersnipe. I mean her.
This is the book, btw:
We ended up getting into line - the LONGEST LINE I HAVE EVER SEEN there, or just about anywhere, except like, Disneyland, and it took an hour and a half to stand through line. Yeesh. I talked a nice lady ahead of us, recommended a few books, chatted with her a bit, envied her the hardcover picture books she got after I told her about the $1 section, and then we went to lunch. And it was fun.
I think I hit TJMaxx after that, too.

This makes the 3rd time in like, barely over a week.
I had Souplantation for a late lunch with Jen last Saturday, Dec. 8.
It was so good (albondigas!!) that I decided to have it for dinner again after I left my parents' house last Sunday, Dec. 9. I sat by myself and horfed down so much food my stomach freaking HURT, while reading "A History of Taiwan in Comics." Stinkin' hilarious.
Anyway, so I had it tonight, too. And wonder of wonders, they had Cream of Mushroom soup!! Boy, that is just about my favorite there, I think. I believe it was a tad too salty by the end of my dining experience there, but it was quite enjoyable. I took a thrift store find of a little paperback of vintage children's book covers to keep me company.
The most memorable event was ... well, a guy who uncannily reminded me of FOOLIO:
Like, HELLO.
Okay, so the guy at Souplantation tonight ... had darker hair. And darker eyes. And a smaller nose.
But SERIOUSLY. He talked JUST as loud and obnoxiously as this guy. And just as overemphatically.
I was finishing up my dinner, perusing through my book, and I hear this guy talking loudly on a cellphone, and he walks by. I'm like, alright, maybe he's about to leave.
Oh noooooooo. He stands about 2 tables away from me, where his table was, and proceeds to talk for at least 10 minutes - loud, histrionic, overdramatic, theatrics.
Grating. Annoying. Making of the hackles be rising.
So I sigh deeply, and decide to get one more small plate of salad and a last cup of Cream of Mushroom. As I'm getting up and walking back to the salad bar, I give the guy a mild, stare-y, evil-eye. I'm sure he has no idea why I was staring him down. I was hoping he would be gone by the time I got back.
No such luck.
He was talking to his mother, or something? "Ma, Ma, MA - can I even TELL you how many times - really, the number is innumerable - how many TIMES I have received these FRANTIC PHONE CALLS from you - for what? I mean, FOR. WHAT. I ASSURE you that TOMORROW she will be IN. NEW JERSEY. TOMORROW, Ma. In New Jersey. Tomorrow night, she will be IN New Jersey, I will put her on the plane MYSELF, and could you PLEASE just make sure that when she gets there, that's she nice to me. How come you always do this, Ma? She's gonne be IN NEW JERSEY TOMORROW NIGHT and I AM GONNA MAKE IT HAPPEN."
*itching strangulation fingers*
So seriously, after another 10 minutes of this, I start looking at him - he's facing away from me. I check out the other guests that are around, and they all seem to be just eating quietly, minding their own business.
I consider my options: do I make eye contact with him again? Do I give him the "SHHH!!" finger to my lips? Do I get up and walk over to him and kindly ask him to take it outside? Or should I ask for a manager, or one of the bussers, to go and talk to him? I remember hearing him when I was IN the salad line 15 feet away, and I remember looking around for a manager because I was starting to get IRKED.
And in the end, as I looked desperately for a passing Souplantationed employee, with none passing by, I see a sudden flurry of activity RUSHING up and all of a sudden I hear a woman bellowing "WOULD YOU TAKE IT OUTSIDE! We've all been sitting here listening to your conversation and I paid money for dinner NOT TO LISTEN TO YOU TALK, so TAKE IT! OUTSIDE!" with a stalk-stalk-stalking away for final emphasis.
Have you ever seen a bird like, totally flip-out in hysterics with the wings all flapping and the bird bouncing everywhere and feathers flying all over and all that? Cuz it was a bit like that.
Oh my. Talk about drama. I mean, by the time this woman - who I initially thought was one of the hostesses or something, but turned out to be a fellow patron(ess) - walked away, he was off the phone, had turned it off, and was starting to walk away. Yee-ouch. That had to be embarrassing for him, complete oblivion to others' irritation notwithstanding. I'm glad I thought of calling for an employee to take care of it.
I mean, she was effective, but her whole presentation was like, so entirely hostile!
Still, there were scattered patches of applause after what she did. I looked over to where she sat down and she was with a man, ostensibly her husband, and two teenage/young adult-looking children. I wondered if they were embarrassed. I wondered why the man wasn't the one to get up and confront Mr. Loud Easterner Cellphone Talker.
Hmm. This is how people solve their problems, I guess.
But honestly, loud cellphone talkers DO annoy me. I don't WANT to hear other people's conversations when I'm in a restaurant or out shopping. And I try to talk quiet and not for too long when I'm out shopping also, but quiet has all sorts of subjective interpretations so maybe I shouldn't do it at all.
But seriously, dude's inane, asinine, mother-insulting conversation bordered on the unbearable. So I'm glad he got a chastening talking-to, even if it was a bit overreactive.
Now if we can only manage to get a similar message across to obnoxious, aggressive, self-absorbed, inconsiderate, jackass drivers.

Long overdue.
Anyhoo, it's MONDAY! And I MADE IT! And TOMORROW!! I'm being observed in my regrettably messy classroom by my new principal. Oy. At least I got the lesson plan typed out and sent to her this afternoon.
But seriously, sometimes after work - or after a busy weekend, I wander around in this hazy, funky, miasma of intolerable unproductivity.
Is this normal?? I have no idea. I am starting to think that I just don't really get a lot of things DONE.
However, that might be remedied if I "relaxed" and "took a break" a lot less than I maybe do now.
But that's totally so much the fun of being a grown-up, single, adult. Down time.
I had soooooooooooo much that I wanted to post starting from last WEEKEND and then this past WEEK just about did me in and bowled me over ... so I'll parcel this out piecemeal-like.

Monday, December 10, 2007
Overwhelmed by eBay
It's probably a sickness and a compulsion. But it's also fun.
Guess what!! I'm so glad that tonight I got good food in me (seriously, is there ANYTHING like CRAVING a certain something and then sitting down and actually PUTTING IT IN YOUR MOUTH AND SWALLOWING??? - I'm all about life's simple pleasures and had a veritable out-of-body experience tonight just from drinking PEPSI!!!!), got some time here on the computer, which I've been missing all day, I love my bed, I love my cute flowery sheets, I love living all by myself, I seriously don't get lonely, I hate the stupid neighbors that park right smack in the driveway in front of the garages that they don't even use when there's clearly a "no parking or we will tow you" sign, I love how cozy my little place is - especially in the wintertime, I'm mildly perturbed by the frigid nature of the climate 'round here lately, and I'm glad I get a chance to catch up on this bloggedy bloggadoo.
So, long overdue - I've been meaning to go through my eBay/PayPal transactions to SEE if I actually GOT everything because I admit I've been buying kind of a lot lately. And it was a stunning eye-opener, to see what I've been spending and be reminded of several items I don't even remember seeing the packages for. However, I've been getting stuff delivered to the school so it might be getting all mishmashy.
Anyway, I'll have to look up and down and hunt all around to see if I am missing any packages. And it sure is helpful when the seller sends stuff through PayPal shipping with delivery confirmation so then I don't go crazy thinking it hasn't even been sent or anything.
I actually sat down and went through everything, though, that's honestly a marvel. Two months' worth of stuff!!!
Man, sometimes I'm sure I could be categorized as officially, crazy, yet, functional.
A couple more posts are on their way tonight.
And lastly - can I say, while I despise the fact that I have a few TV shows that I'm really into watching that are detrimentally impacted by the current writers' strike, I'm glad nothing is on tonight (like, you know, Heroes, which I watch very, very casually) so I can get caught up on other things. It really is true, you can get so much accomplished when you DON'T WATCH TV.
That's if you don't replace it, however, with stuff like watching youtube videos and playing addictive online games.

Monday, December 03, 2007
Random bedding, linens, and fabric tips that I would like to share.
1. Fold quilts inside out when storing. Remember those baby quilts I bought and showed a few posts ago?? Here's what I noticed, and learned. The fabric and threads get all stretched out when you fold them. On the inside, thin and brittle fabric can just totally split like it was cut with scissors if you fold it like that. And on the outside, it's stretched out so when you unfold it, it's slightly raised and sticks out. Especially after years and years and years. No good!! The ones I have have noticeable folds where you can see how it was folded. I suppose ideally you would gently roll the quilts and store them that way. Currently, mine are folded inside out. It'll minimize sun damage and fading and potential random spills on the pretty side, and the less important side can take the stretching outing.
2. It's a pretty cool idea to iron flat linens RIGHT after they are washed, instead of even putting them in the dryer. Dunno why I never heard of this before. That's IF you bother ironing at all, which I don't often do, but like doing with the bedding so it's nice and flat and stiff and crisp. I THINK I thought of this myself, but I am certain I wouldn't be the first person to think of it. I just wondered why I would hang things up to dry, or throw them in the dryer, and THEN try to iron out the wrinkles that have basically already been set. This is ideal to do with pillowcases, and flat sheets ... though that GIANT king-size pink Nautica flat sheet took way too freaking long to do. It would work really nicely with handkerchiefs, and napkins, and tablecloths too, probably. Just unroll or unfold, and stretch and pull the fabric out a bit before you iron, and you don't have to use the steam function (it's already damp!) and you dry and iron out wrinkles AT THE SAME TIME. Whoo. This worked wonderfully with an embroidered and cut-out pillowcase that had shrunken a bit within the embroidered part so the pillowcase was all warped at the end there. Now it is nice and flat and smooth! I also try (if I remember) to gently straighten and finger-iron wet clothes from the washer when I hang them up the dry. How you hang them up is how they dry all stiffish-like, so save yourself the extra ironing step and do it while it's wet!!
3. Featherbeds can sometimes suck. My king size Woolrich one that I got for 75% off at Target ($17.48!!) is on the bed and the feathers are sticking out EVERYWHERE. Horrible. I know it's just that the weave on the cover is probably not fine enough, but feathers also get all flattened in the middle where the big ole body lays so you end up sleeping in a ditch, basically. If the feathers pile up around the outside enough, it's almost like a grave. Ick.
4. Old, garish, yet serviceable comforters make awesome mattress toppers. So, Target sells "mattress toppers" - basically like the foam toppers, or feather toppers, or down-free toppers, etc. They basically provide more cushion atop the mattress/bed. (I swear the next mattress I get is going to be a Tempur-pedic, though. Cousin got one AND I LOVE IT!) I love myself a firm mattress so I never thought I needed one, but I reaaaaaally wanted to sleep on feathers and try it and I kinda did not totally care for it. So then I got a cute Tommy Hilfiger reversible Hawaiian print comforter for $7 at the thrift store. And I folded it in half and used it on the bed and it totally kept the feathers from poking out through the sheet into me!! Just now I remembered that I forgot to put the gorgeous VELOUR (fuzzy, and soft like velvet!) mattress cover on ... but last night I fixed up the feather mattress, and threw the comforter over it for extra padding, AND THEN put on the Woolrich down-free comforter on top of THAT before I put the sheets on. And this bed is now like sinking into a cloud. A flower-covered, Laura Ashley/Rachel Ashewell cloud.
5. Shower curtains make perfectly acceptable and serviceable curtains for the bedroom windows. My little apartment has drapery pull hardware so it already comes with the kind of hooks that pin into the drapes. I just used shower curtain hooks and shower curtains and what with the collection I have, I can change the curtains however often I want. Also, it is MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper to buy the shower curtain in RACHEL ASHWELL BRITISH ROSE FABRIC than it is to buy the window panels. $60, for 2, on eBay? People are craaaaaaaazyyyyyyyyyy.

Saturday, December 01, 2007
Clue - Master Detective

It is freaking Clue on a ca. 1920's TRAIN. Do you see Istanbul/Constantinople in the distant scenery??
Heh. This is CLUEDO because that is the name of it in the U.K. ... limited run, generally goes for like, $70 or $90 ... and they have versions in French and Italian as well.
Ooh, greed.
But go out and buy Master Detective if you can. :) I just love that this one thrift store has gotten them in REGULARLY!!!!!!!!

Amy Winehouse
I first saw her, and heard her, on her premiere on Dave Letterman.
Had no clue who she was, thought she was dressed WEIRDLY with that hair and makeup, and didn't quite get why she was singing such a retro song in that weird semi-ska register.
So, I was profoundly unimpressed with and disinterested in her.
Then, lately, especially this past week, there's been such a steady media stream of her well-nigh-unto-Britney-esque slow implosion. I've seen pics of her massive weight loss, attributed to her newfound addiction to working out ... but I kinda think all the drugs have a lot to do with it??

Anyway, so I just had the one experience with hearing that Rehab song (arrogant! geez) ... and thought I'd look her up on youtube and see what the big deal was, since her concerts were selling well and now they were all cancelled because she basically was stumbling around, unable to perform.
And I am in LOVE with her sultry singing style, such a great soulful sound! Some of her songs have whack lyrics, but for this week at least, it's been an all-Amy soundtrack and she is now one of my favorites. I can totally picture myself listening to her and dancing around during the day while I'm in Europe!! It's the kind of music I'd like to have with me, walking around, or soaking in the sights.
So here's what I've been listening to non-stop for the last two days. That's how I get, in obsessive spurts - listen to a song compulsively for a week or so and then find something else. It happened with Ingrid Michaelson's "The Way I Am" (in essence, the Old Navy sweater song) and Cansei Ser Sexy's "Music is My Hot Hot Sex." (Dang, but they are kinda weird people, yo.)
You Know That I'm No Good - I LOVE THIS REMIX!!!!!
And for some reason, I don't know WHY, I am SO totally mesmerized by Linda Ronstadt's background singer with the huge pile of hair, in the high-waisted yellow pantsuit. Her cute little pumpkin face caught my eye, then I kept watching the video, and seeing her rock out is totally hilarious. I want to know who this woman is!!
Stronger Than Me - Live
I think she looks completely awesome here, and this rendition is all sassy and fulfilling. Too bad I get occasional irate fits of irritation when I happen to think abot how completely grammatically INcorrect "stronger than ME" totally is.
He Can Only Hold Her/That Thing (Lauren Hill)
This one looks so fun. I especially like how she quickly leans down to get a drink before the first line of the song and half stumblers/staggers but makes it on cue. It's just stinkin' hilarious.
And her backup singers!!! Oh my. They are pretty awesome. The hug at the end is cute also. :)
In case you are interested, other nice cuts are Back to Black and Valerie, a cover of the Zutons (sooooo many covers on youtube ... and most not that good, hmm). She has exceptional vocals on Valerie, in my opinion. I also think her studio versions in general sound the best, but she has had some seriously awesome live performances also.
It's too bad she seems to be taking the rock'n'roll fast-track to accelerated self-destruction. I hope she's okay, but she sounds like she has moooondo problems.
In the meantime ... dang. What talent at such a young age.

Rachel Ashwell
So, twice in the past week, I have found Rachel Ashwell TREASURES stuff (her super duper expensive designer line). At the thrift store. Um, who buys this stuff and then gives it away to the thrift store??? Weird.
Since I actually only know her Target stuff, I don't know any of her other patterns, yet both times it was the colors/patterns (yes, roses on striped ticking - hm) that caught my eye and made me fumble around for that TAG.
So one was a darkish blue stripe, with little pink roses scattered all over it, and it was a flat sheet. Yesterday I found a full fitted sheet - purple ticking stripes with purple roses on it. I have a feeling these were her early patterns or something, because I can't find anything close to these on the net now. The longer I held the fitted sheet, the nicer it felt - it was some really nice soft cotton.
I'll take pics later today to show the pattern. The flat sheet I got mostly for quilting, and the fitted sheet ... well, I like fitted sheets. :)
I honestly think flat sheets are a great thrift store find for making quilts. It's bedding, it's cheap fabric, and you can get some awesome patterns. It's just a matter of having enough fabric to make whatever pattern you have in mind.
At the same thrift store, at the same time, I found a little decorator pillow in this old-time pattern:

I mean, I like it okay, but don't much care for brown. Was debating for a while before I took a closer look and found a bleached yellow spot on it. Uck, gross. It was only $1.95 though.
So then, a couple weeks ago, also found Ashwell's book The Shabby Chic Home sitting on top of a pile of other books at the thrift store - $1.91.

I am also ASTOUNDED that THIS:

Baby quilts!
Thrift store find!!!!!! Winnie the Pooh crib quilt:

Headboard and crib bumper:
Earlier this week I ended up getting another of the Pooh quilts for $2.95 just because it was so soft and cute after I washed it. This second one might need a bit of bleaching - can't tell if it's part of the print or not, how weird is that? - but it's always nice to have a spare. Especially a dumpy one that can get messed up. The store also had TWO of the headboard bumpers and another crib bumper, and EACH was $2.95 (this was a different thrift store, not the nice $1.92 one!), but I passed on those.
On eBay these used sets are selling for over $20 before shipping. I've seen some crib sheets and things too, but I'm gonna hold off on getting those for now. Honestly, though, I was thinking - even if I don't use it as a bumper, the fabric would be nice to play around with somehow, with my NEW SEWING MACHINE (that I haven't tried yet ...)!!!
And on eBay!!
Embroidered baby quilt, blue redwork, aka bluework, with pictures of nursery rhymes. Each patch is also outlined in a pink featherstitch. The only damage is a faded spot at the upper right, but I thought the colors and embroidery were so charming!!
Vets Stadium find!!!! And you guys wonder why this is so addictive ....
This is also hand-embroidered, appliqued, and hand-quilted. The lady said "Somebody really loved a lot," meaning - old, worn, faded. But that's what drew me to it! The colors are totally faded, and the binding is certainly threadbare, but there's nothing like old, worn, soft, washed cotton! It's so sweet. I also don't generally care for ANYTHING circus-related, such as dang elephants, but I got over it. I wonder if it originally had much brighter colors and faded like this. It looks like it's been bleached before. I don't care, it's supersoft!