Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Royal Observatory at Greenwich

I probably would never have thought of going here on my own, but it was pretty interesting! Lots of astronomical history in this place, at least. They had rooms where the astronomers worked, old telescopes, stuff that I've never really thought about. Also, it's where Greenwich Mean Time is kept. Here's the entrance, you can see the gates into the complex - it's a beautiful building. And free! But they had random construction going on all through the back.

Here I am at the prime meridian of the world!! I was seriously looking like a midget that day.

Good ole LA.

They have loads of cities from all over the world listed.

So after Andrew and I'd spent some time browsing book shops, and souvenir stores, and I found a hat that I looooooooooooooooooved, I was feeling all cheapskatey cuz the dollar was so dang poh against the pound. Ah dinna feel like payin' 10 buckaroos for it. So I tried one on and they didn't have a mirror and Andrew was kindly enough to take a pic of it on his camera phone so I could see what it looked like. I suppose I could have taken one with my camera too, but why didn't we think of that?

Anyway, two months later, after we'd both gotten back, he happened to still have it on his camera and he sent it to me!!

I never did get one. Blasted £4.99!

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