Sunday, April 29, 2007

The first posted pics of my new apartment!!!

I invited several dear friends over to see my new place yesterday and they were kind and gracious enough to come and warm up my cushions for me *simper*.

Seriously, I really do love entertaining and having people over. I just don't feel like I do it very well, yet.

Which means I must do it more and more and more!
Practice makes perfect!!
Repetition in search of mastery!!!

We had a GORGEOUS little afternoon tea at Miss Hillary's divine find -
The Vintage Tea Leaf in downtown Long Beach.

Whee and *cheer* for ridiculous hats.

And then we all drove back to my place!

All the while I was carting around a MASSIVE giant 15-drawer chest that I got at a garage sale early in the morning, along with an 18-shelf letter sorter (still in the neato van, btw!!) for the classroom. Seriously, though, the thing is beautiful.
I'm surprised I didn't explode more gas.

But y'all will see pics soon!


They all came over and had a lovely time (I hope) and it was GREAT impetus and spurring motivation for me to clean like a whirling dervish dust cloud. Yay for actually being able to see the carpet.

Please ignore the mess which hovers perpetually on the floor!!!
And can you spot the Target? :)

1. 3 window panels (whee, Shabby Chic!)
2. Floor lamp

3. Table lamp

4. Candlestick

5. Candle

6. Chest of drawers

7. Black ottoman

8. All four cushions!!!

And you can't see the wicker trunk hidden behind the couch on the floor, upon which the table lamp resides.

Also, I love my couch. That was not Target, though.
And the glider and ottoman Miss Cheri is sitting on were ...
(And I am so flabbergastedly astonishingly proud of myself)
Only $3.93 (no clue why they decided on that ole 93¢ there, really) at the thrift store across the street from my landlord's office!!! (Do you people even BEGIN to see why I am entirely so addicted???)

And it came with nasty pink fuzzy/stiffy-chenilley raggedy sprung open threadbare gross stained cushions, but I just had them thrown out and I slapped on my ... TARGET-EDNESSES!

And my bedroom looked GREAT! (Even relatively and comparatively.)

The walls look awfully blank though, eh?? That's what comes of living in an apartment and having to PAY for busting holes through the walls. Because seriously, I swear. It's not like I'm hurtin' for things to put up on the walls. Really.
Let's play "Spot the Target Item" again, shall we?? Okay.

1. (You can't see the) 6-compartment mini set of blue ticking fabric-lined baskets in little shelves on the
2. (Hidden by our bodies) Shabby Chic bath 2-shelf (bookcase-looking) stand that I use for a nightstand with the

3. (On the bottom shelf) set of 3 Classic Winnie-the-Pooh nesting baskets and the

4. Simply Shabby Chic British rose lampshade!! (75% off!!)

5. Simply Shabby Chic porcelain/ceramic rose lamp base (75% off!!)

6. Simply Shabby Chic sheets and pillowcases (75% off!!)

7. Bamboo cloth pillow (50% off ...)

8. Simply Shabby Chic throw pillow (85% off!!)

9. Simply Shabby Chic quilt (boo hoo, only 50% off)

10. Set of 2 shower curtains that I use for drapes!

11. Set of 2 shower curtain rings that I jabbed into drapery hanger thingies!

12. Simply Shabby Chic bolster (75% off!!)

13. White silk button-tufted and beaded fringe ottoman ... 90% off!! (Glorious Christmas seasonal clearance!!!)
Okay, now I officially feel CRAZY.
Totally crazy lady.
Crazy Target lady.
It's an .. unhealthy obsession.
How I totally just HAD to post all the unnecessary extraneous details of my compulsive shopping...
but it came together so wonderfully!
And now that I officially SCARE MYSELF, I will stop. And take a break and drink some water and come back to post some more.
But can I please just say? I went to 2 Targets after church today (looking for ONE specific item, I'll have you know!!) ...
And I didn't buy anything.
What WILL the American economy do without me???


  1. Oh my gosh, you really got the Shabby Chic stuff for up to 85% off?! I'm crazy about Shabby Chic now. But I can never find anything Shabby on sale so I end up paying retail!!! :/ Wendy

  2. OMG - you are so together! Who would believe you just moved in. I envy you all your Target finds, but even more so, I envy your trips to the second hand store.

    You're having lots of fun, aren't you.... Insert huge "smiley" face here.

  3. yakki!! girl, you are FAST!! Thanks for coming to visit. :)

    I know everybody seems to think I "just moved" in but I moved in JANUARY! Ages, eons ago. It's been 5 months now! Hee. I'm a slow poke, though, I like to sit and look and listen and then picture things in my mind with how they will go.

    Long live FFD and the sharing of Target secrets!! Thrift stores/garage sales are my new oasis. Hee.

    And yes, I am having tremendous fun. Life is good. :)
