Friday, May 04, 2007

For heaaaaaaven's saaaaaaaaaaaake.

1. I wanted to CLEAN like a maven since as soon as people left my apartment last week, it promptly frenzied all up into a gigarntic tuberous spoorifficus mess aginn.
2. I can't hardly get through the door without having to hop over stuff since I haven't put things away this entire week, what with being mondo aggravated and downright lazy. And sick. Or maybe it's allergies. I can't rightly tell but I would swear this is not what is generally considered normal.
3. Someone (new) is planning on coming to visit tomorrow!!! I cannot bear for another to witness the torrential disarray. Blech.

However, this evening I spent 4 hours in the ER with my mommy, who was having some issues this evening, so that put a wrench in the works, since I was FULLY preparing to clean most thoroughly and painfully this evening. Oh well. Life goes on.

That said, I also THUSLY didn't have a chance to take any more/additional pics since I wasn't there.

So it will have to wait.

I DIDN'T GET NO JACK DIDDLY DONE!! TONIGHT!! And I feel very frustrated.

And I found out today that I will be teaching summer school. I hope I survive, dagnabbit! But the summer school is by a Target that I don't hardly get to anymore, so guess where I'll be this summerrrrrrrr..

Not in Europe.

*pitiful bawling*

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