Sunday, January 27, 2008


Ugh. Stuff to get off my chest.

Things which bother:

I don't know why I have such issues with this (OK, I do know why, but let's not get into it "at this present juncture"), but if I EVER marry and have children ... such things will not be. Ugh, ugh, oy oy argh. I just sincerely hate and abhor it when people move my stuff around, or take things and use them up without telling me ... and it's so gosh-darn inconvenient. I KNOW it's not the end of the world but I'm just brittle that way.

2) Dimwits that park too close to the damn driveway, running me at the risk of clipping the corner of their car trying to turn my lugging behemoth into the parking lot. Gosh, I hate this. It's not a huge, wide street, since I believe it's fairly oldish, and since I've lived here, there's already been 3 separate incidents of side rearview mirrors being bashed off, the left front bumper getting crunched in, and the daily insult of scraping one's hind end along the drive pulling out too fast trying not to get t-boned... if they would park further back from the actual driveway, I might have room to have to make less of such a sharp turn, half-jumping the curb on a daily basis.

3) Not having a washer here. Boy, this is really cramping my style. I hardly ever did much laundry when I lived with my parents, but now, it's driving me crazy. I like doing it more often when I live by myself, I guess. Especially sheets and big stuff, like neato comforters!! Even there, there is DEFINITELY not enough room to hang stuff up so I can't go through massive laundry frenzies as I'd like. OK, guess it might help if I bought less at the thrift store.

4) (Some of) other people's children. Ugh. I am like increasingly not a huge fan of other people's children. The love, it is a-fading. Of COURSE it's easy to enjoy the likeable, well-mannered ones, but they are in increasingly short supply. God have mercy on me if/when I ever have any spawn of my own, and they BETTER act right or they'll have a lifelong lesson to remember. I WILL NOT BE SHAMED IN SUCH A FASHION!!! :P I know all of this is bad of me to say considering my current profession, but honestly ... I am just being cranky.

5) Aging! And a slowing metabolism! I found rank cellulite deposits on hitherto-untouched portions of thigh. I can't IMAGINE what it'd be like blowing up all pregnant and stuff? Yowza.

In other gripes, the current housing situation, while mildly improving, still aggravates me. I KNOW the market is correcting itself, but it won't be "correct" like it was 10 years ago!!!! >:(

I can afford more house now than before, and I honestly would love to be in a house by the end of the year. So I am praying about that, and saving and stuff. In the past year I've raised my credit pretty well, now let's work on a freaking down payment :P. Not likely, maybe, but I sincerely believe in miracles. :)

Stupid, stupid, stupid stupid dumb housing market.

I'd like to feel very badly for the poor sods stuck in ARMs and such but I can't help feeling that it's kind of your own dumb fault. Banks now unable to collect were greedy, and took the risk, and now it's not paying off, and people who signed these horrific mortgages - well, did anybody strongarm them into buying something they couldn't afford??? I think I need more compassion. And a big ole milkshake of human kindness. I am like very not sympathetic these days.

Now here I am with no down payment but healthy credit and I'll just have to look and see what options are available to me.

That, or I sell aaaaaaaall my worldly possessions and gallivant around the world as a carefree pauper.

I think I'd rather have a nice, beautiful house with a bit more room.


  1. 1) I don't like that either.
    But with kids you carve out your own space and off limits. I have no toys no play no touch of my bedroom. It's off limits even for hide and seek.

    2) Give the girl some room!
    3) I do so much laundry, I feel your pain on that.
    4)I admit it sometimes I can't stand my own kids (not very often but my thoughts do go there) Other peoples kids do drive me crazy too! With your own comes more patience and calm than you ever thought you had in you.
    5) Aging---After 30 your body turns on you. I had a kid at 30 and boy it's been slowing down and doesn't bounce back.
    Housing --Kansas hasn't been as hard hit as some but housing is my life and how we survive. We have our own real estate company and have rentals and I tell you it's been a roller coaster. It's a good time to find good deals though ( THINK LIKE TARGET CLEARANCE BUT HOUSES)
    You'll get there someday. Keep your mind on what you want, it will happen for you.

  2. And now - happy February, Miss Amy!!! Thank you for your comment.

    In reply:

    1) Yes. Space. I have definitely found since I started living by myself that do indeed NEED ... space.

    2) I will put a note on the dude's windshield so he knows. So. Annoying. I know he does it because he drives a little-mobile, but hasn't he felt cramped trying to pull in from the street like that also??

    3) Laundry I do not mind ... but doing laundry for several other people would probably take years off my life.

    4) I kind of love hearing that a mom sometimes can't stand her own kids. It stands to reason. It's bound to happen. Sometimes you just need a break! At the moment I operate under the "illusion" that it would be "much easier" if I had my own kids because a) I'd love them more, and b) there WOULD be FAR FEWER OF THEM to deal with at a time!! But then I start to get these morbid thoughts of being an aged elderly mom with dried up raggedy bogus eggs and having a "different and special" child. I admit it. My mind goes there.

    But you know what? I also did think to myself earlier this week that God had mercy on us making us "naturally" "love" our own children so much because otherwise, they'd probably not survive past the age of THREE.

    Did you ever hear the saying "After I had my own kids, I finally understood why some animals eat their own young"?? :D

    5) I need to exercise more. And eat less. I actually think I have the potential for hotness buried way down under Miss Dowdy Lets-Herself-Go. But then I tell myself that my own personal priorities sometimes don't involve mere appearances, heh.

    But I really and truly do love (um, and also hate) people for what is on the INSIDE.


    Tonight I drove down a residental street I'd never taken before and was astounded at the number of for sale signs I saw. Good news for me. I and a couple other single teachers at school talk regularly about buying a house. Some problems: Houses in Southern California are particularly unaffordable. Home values quadrupled in the past six years. I simply REFUSE to BORROW THAT MUCH MONEY when I honestly don't think the property is worth all that. :( I think I could totally afford a great, beautiful house in another part of the country, and I am not averse to moving, but buying a house on my own in another part of the country and trying to do the whole job thing is a bit risky at this point, I think.

    I really believe something wonderful and magical will fall into my lap, though. Hee.

    In the end - do you have any sage advice??? I am all ears!!!!
